Page 65 of Like You Know
Calvin slowly straightened, steel entering his spine as his tears dried up. He fixed me with a much calmer look. “Yeah, I’m her son, but I’ve been slowly pulling out of the illegal shit,allof the shit.” I scoffed, but he continued. “You don’t have to believe me. That’s OK. But I do have to keep you safe, Amaya. It’s what your mother would want. It’s what I want. Now, I want you to go pack a bag. Quickly. I’m going to take you somewhere safe.”
I gaped at him. “Are you insane? I’m not going anywhere with you!” I wanted him to tell me where my mom was so I could save her—not take me to her so we could both end up ... I couldn’t think that final thought. I refused to go there.
“Amaya!” It was the first time I’d heard Calvin raise his voice, and it startled me. It was a stark reminder I was alone with a dangerous man.
Before I could even glance at the door, think about running again, it burst open. The glass in the windows on either side of the door rattled with how hard it slammed open as Jet rushed inside, gun at the ready. Within a second, he assessed the situation, placed himself in front of me, and pointed the gun at Calvin.
“Hands behind your head,” Jet barked.
“Seriously, Burns?” Calvin sighed, holding his hands out at his sides. “Drop your gun.”
“Hands. On. Your. Head.” Jet’s voice was icy calm.
Calvin gritted his teeth but did as he was told. “This is a waste of time. I hope you have a warrant to enter my place of residence, officer.”
“It’s detective. And I heard shouting. I had reason to believe someone was in danger.” Jet tilted his head to the side just slightly, not taking his eyes off Calvin. “You OK?”
I nodded, then realized he couldn’t see me and said, “Yes.”
“Anyone else in the house?”
“No,” Calvin and I said at the same time.
“Am I under arrest?” Calvin asked, his tone impatient.
“That’s yet to be determined.” Jet lowered his gun, relaxing slightly as he went to Calvin and searched him. He took the other man’s gun and placed it on a side table out of reach. “You have a permit for that weapon?”
“Yes, sir.” Calvin seemed to have reached the end of his rope. He turned to address me. “Unless this jerk arrests me in the next three minutes—which he won’t—I’m getting out of here. Please come with me.”
“No.” I shook my head and took a step closer to Jet. I may have been mad at him, but at least I knew I was safe with him. At least I could be positive he didn’t have anything to do with my mother’s kidnapping.
“I’m just trying to keep you safe. You need to trust me.”
“I don’t need to do shit.”
“She’ll be perfectly safe with me,” Jet said, angling his body to shield me. “Now, I’m not placing you under arrest, but we have been trying to get a hold of you since last night.”
Calvin scoffed. “Yeah? Well, take a hint. I don’t want to talk to any of you. They have the woman I love, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to get her back. Deal’s off. Last chance, Amaya.” He fixed me with an expectant look. The kind of look a parent would give to a child, expecting them to make the right choice.
“Just leave.” I sighed, feeling drained again.
With a resigned nod, Calvin picked up a duffel I hadn’t noticed by the door and marched out.
Once the sound of his car starting reached us through the gaping front door, I turned to Jet.
“What deal is he talking about?” I asked.
For a split second he looked as if he was fighting some kind of internal battle, but then he pressed his lips together, and I knew he’d tell me nothing. Just like last night. Just like since the day I’d met the asshole.
I shook my head and rushed back upstairs.
I lockedmyself in my room and rage-cleaned. After a good half hour, there was a knock at the door.
“Amaya?” Jet called. “Can you come out, please? We need to talk.”
“Fuck off!” I shouted and threw whatever was in my hand at the door. My pen cup smacked against the wood, and pens and pencils scattered everywhere.