Page 6 of Untold
“The Big Dipper,” she said knowingly.
“My mom loved telling the story about Callisto and her son with Zeus.”
“I remember one night when we were probably in second grade or so and she took you, me, and Hayden out to the dock in the dark. We all sat there as she told the story behind the stars.”
“The next week, you showed up with a book about Greek mythology,” I said, recalling the night she was talking about as clearly as if it’d happened a few months ago instead of twenty-some years.
“Probably,” Chloe said with a self-conscious laugh. “Your mom is right there,” she said, pointing at the sky. “Maybe that sounds cheesy, but she’s always with you in your memories.”
“I think of her whenever I see the Big Dipper.”
As I gazed up, I could still hear my mom’s voice in my mind, and that realization… helped a little.
Sometimes I’d realize a day or two had passed without me thinking of her, and I worried I would start losing her, that I’d forget the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she smiled or the cocoa butter scent of her lotion or the soothing lilt of her voice.
“I still have her,” I said, more to myself. “In my mind.”
“Me too,” Chloe said quietly. “And so do your brothers and Hayden and your dad.”
“I sort of wonder if my dad has blocked her out.” It came out without a lot of thought on my part, and I realized it was something that was troubling me.
I felt Chloe’s hand on my arm, and when I looked at her face, she shook her head.
“I don’t think so. She’s there. Maybe stronger than for any of you since he had the most time with her. He loved your mom so much. It was evident to anyone who knew them.”
I thought of my uncle’s words a few minutes ago. “He did. I think that’s part of why this is so hard.”
“He can still love your mom and make room for Faye too, don’t you think? Sort of like he had so much love for you three boys, and then Hayden came along and he loved her just as much.”
“Spoiled the crap out of her,” I said lightly, but I understood Chloe’s point, was starting to see it might be valid. Okay, probablywasvalid.
“Your dad was so unlucky to lose his wife so early,” Chloe said, “and he mourned her hard. I know he did, even though he moved to Texas and I haven’t seen him since the funeral.”
“I think he took the work transfer to Texas because he missed her so much and didn’t know how to live in Nashville without her,” I acknowledged.
“And now he’s back and has a chance to be over-the-moon happy again. How can we not want that for your dad?”
Something about thewe… It made me feel like Chloe was in it with me. In a lot of ways, she kind of was because she’d grown up staying at our house a few evenings a week, and during those times, she was like a member of our family. Yes, she had her own mom and dad, but they’d been holding down a couple of jobs apiece and not been around as much as my parents had. When Chloe was at our house, she was treated like a member of the family. Unlike so many of my other friends, she’d been there enough to see the dynamics, understand my parents’ love, to be loved by them.
“I do want him to be happy,” I said. “And I get what you’re saying.”
My dad’s happiness with Faye didn’t mean he had to forget about my mom. It didn’t mean any of us had to forget about my mom.
“Faye seems like a really good human,” Chloe said. “Judging by the way all her sons treat her—and her daughters-in-law too—she has a lot of votes in her favor.”
“I can’t disagree. It’s never been about Faye herself. I like what I know of her.” Before tonight, I hadn’t really admitted to myself there was an issue floating around in my mind at all. I exhaled, getting my head around everything Chloe was saying.
“She’s not your mom. But now she’s your dad’s wife.”
And she made him happy. Even my dense self couldn’t deny that.
“Let’s get back inside before the bride and groom take off,” I said. I had some smoothing out to do before the night was over.
I stood and held out my hand, and Chloe took it, shooting me a smile as she rose. As we walked back toward the reception, I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into me, really damn glad I had her at my side tonight.