Page 42 of Undone
“You don’t have to sweet-talk me into anything. You got me.”
He thrust into me emphatically. “I got you.” The corners of his lips curved up in the sexiest hint of a cat-who-ate-the-canary smirk, and then he thrust again, and my eyes fluttered closed and my thoughts dissipated and I just…felt.
Even after all these years, he still knew where to touch me, when to move faster, how to hold me on the precipice, when to push me over the edge until I cried out his name and clung to him and forgot how to breathe, no longer cared how to breathe.
I was just starting to come back into myself when he ground into me harder, tensed, then let go. I watched the ecstasy wash over his face, burned it to my memory, loved that I could still do that to him.
A few seconds later, he opened his eyes slowly, looking dazed but satiated and in as much awe as I was. We’d always been good together. Our sex life had been stupendous and toe-curling. After he’d broken up, though, there’d been so many times if I’d wondered if I’d only imagined how good it had been.
I had my answer. I hadn’t imagined it.
We were so damn good together. Physically, of course. Maybe that’s where I’d gotten confused in the past.
Locking down on that uncomfortable thought, I brought myself back to the present and ran my fingers through his hair as we both tried to catch our breath.
Cash kissed me slowly, tenderly, as if I were the most precious thing to him— No. As if I were a damn good lay. That’s what I was, all I wanted to be. All I could be.
Again, I shut out the wayward thoughts that could only cause trouble. “Almost twice as old as we were before, and look at us.”
“We’re fucking incredible.”
“And incredible at fucking,” I said, keeping it light.
He buried his face in my hair, let out a low growl, and said, “Just like I thought it would be.”
After another kiss, he lowered his weight to the side of me, propped himself up on his elbow, and ran a finger over my lower lip as he gazed down at me.
“So…you thought about us?” I asked. “About this?” I flicked a hand toward our naked, half-entwined bodies.
“From the second I heard you were coming back to town. Whether I wanted to or not.”
I grinned, possibly a little cat-ate-the-canary-ish myself. “And you said you were only concerned about me remembering to eat.”
“You didn’t ask if I wanted to get you naked.”
I thought back to that first night he’d visited me. “I couldn’t have handled it then.”
“Timing is everything.” His cocky grin shouldn’t have turned me inside out, but it did.
As we lay there quietly, an aroma besides that of Cash and sex eventually broke through to my consciousness. I sniffed a couple of times, trying to place it. I leaned up on an elbow. “Did you set the—”
“Son of a bitch. The muffins!” He jumped out of bed and hauled his very sexy ass out of the room and down the stairs, naked as the day he was born.
I’ll be honest; I watched him until he was out of my sight, and I reveled in every last second of it.
Then I launched out of bed and grabbed my clothes from the floor, wondering if I was about to come face-to-face with Fire Chief Thomas for the second time in an hour.
Still naked, I hovered in the doorway of my bedroom, peeking down to the first floor. I didn’t see any smoke. “Cash?”
“Everything’s okay,” he yelled up at the same time the smoke alarm started screeching. “Got it under control.” There was a pause and I heard commotion. “Just gotta get that thing turned off. It’s not connected to the fire department.”
“Do you need help?”
“I’ve got it,” he said after some swearing at himself or the muffins or the alarm, I wasn’t sure which, but it made me grin.