Page 5 of Madness
“I will find out who you are.” I released her wrist. I wasn’t really letting her go, but I’d let her think she’d won. I’d let her feel the relief before I took it away. It wasn’t fear that could ruin someone. It was hope, then finally, the absence of it, that crushed their very soul.
“You do that.” The flash of defiance in her eyes only intensified my interest. I was going to squash that defiance. Feel it disintegrate in my fingers. When I was done, there’d be no light behind those eyes.
Once I released her, she moved to the door again. She didn’t run or give away her fear, but it was there. Permeating the air. Fuck, I could feel it in my bones. I loved that fear. I watched her ass sway as the door closed behind her. That ass was going to look good covered in my cum.
“Looks like Mad found his new toy.” Dante said, and the others laughed.
They only knew some of my depravity. I’d known I was different my whole life. I needed control. Needed to watch others squirm as I pulled their strings. When I hit puberty, those feelings intensified. I couldn’t reach sexual gratification unless I inflicted pain. But even that soon became boring.
Anyone can hit to deliver a wound. It was in my early twenties when I learned the full extent to which I could use manipulation. Now I had very singular taste.
A part of me knew it was wrong. That even other monsters would see me as the demon I was. But it didn’t stop me. When I found a toy I wanted, I took it.
I would break the defiance in the little dove and discard her like the rest. They meant nothing to me. They were just holes for me to use. For me to control. I got off on the pain, but more than that, I got off on pushing them until they broke. I loved to watch them shatter until there was nothing left. Until not even they could look at themselves.
Ilet out a long breath as I rushed from the private room. Working that room wasn’t even my job, but Trixie had recently made the switch from waitress to stripper. I was told to take over all her tables until they hired a replacement.
I watched Trixie for a second as she wrapped her leg around the pole. Even as a stripper, there was an elegance about her. She was too good to be working at Entice. It was one of the nicest strip clubs in town, but it was still a strip club. I was too good to be working here too. But life hadn’t given either of us a choice.
Trixie was my only friend here, of course; that wasn’t her real name, just like Kitty wasn’t mine. She was actually Tessa. She wasn’t just the only one I had here; she was the only person I had in the world. Cancer had finally taken my Mom last year, leaving me all alone.
All alone with a mountain of medical debt. That was how I ended up here. There weren’t a lot of places where I could make $300 a night. Yes, I had to deal with grabby men. I had to wear this stupid revealing outfit. I had to listen to the same loud music every night, but when the option was this or starving, you did what you had to.
I’d also been able to stay at home with Mom during the day. Our neighbor would check on her at night for me. I was able to be there for her during her last few months, and that was something I couldn’t trade.
I checked on the rest of my tables and filled drink orders as I waited for Tessa’s number to end. Once the music stopped, I rushed backstage to talk to her. Tessa wore a pale blue robe over her naked body as she leaned over her dressing table and reapplied her lipstick. She went back on again in a few minutes.
Her long black hair fell in curls around her waist. Her legs peaked out of the robe, strong and tan. She was several inches taller than me, and I wished for her height. Her green eyes brightened as she looked in my direction. We’d both had to be tough to survive this world, but we knew we could let our guard down around each other.
“Hey, Kin, how’s it going?” She dropped the robe and reached for another set of lingerie hanging behind her. I’d learned to ignore the nakedness around me. It came with working at the club; most of us didn’t see it anymore.
“Fine.” I rubbed my lips together, wondering if I should ask her. “What’s with the guys in the private room?”
Tessa’s hands still as she stepped into her panties. She looked up at me, and the color drained from her face. “Why?”
I shrugged, trying to pretend they hadn’t bothered me. And most of them hadn’t even looked at me. But one did. One of them grabbed my hand, and I felt like my whole body would go up in flames. He tried to smile and act charming, but I’d seen it.
There was a demon behind that mask.
I’d dealt with enough demons in my life; I didn’t need another. I’d barely survived the last one. And something told me this guy would be worse than anyone I’d ever encountered.
“I don’t know. They gave me the wig.”
“The wig?” Tessa raised a brow.
I pursed my lips and put my hand on my hips. “Yeah, you know. They wigged me out. They’re scary.”
She tipped her head back and laughed before she finished dressing. “Only you would say it like that.”
“Whatever. Who are they anyways?” I tried to sound nonchalant, but my heart knocked against my ribs.
One of the bouncers opened the door that separated the club from backstage; the steady bass filled the room around us.
“One minute, Trix.”