Page 11 of Rumor Has It
This time when Barrett rounds the corner, I’m ready for him. I arrived an hour early and set up my desk to ensure I’ll see Fox coming.
“Morning, Kitty Cat.” He surveys my new setup. I turned my desk 180 degrees so that it faces the window. “You do this by your pretty little self?”
“You can’t sneak up behind me and I don’t have to look at you while you’re in your cubicle. Win-win.” I shoot him a sardonic smirk.
“Yes, but you also have your back to the rest of the office. Which means if Mills says anything funny, you’ll miss the joke.”
“I don’t find Mills funny.”
“Do you find anyone funny?” Before I can get offended he adds, “Is North’s middle name East? ’Cause that’d be funny. Something like that might manage to crack that façade of seriousness you wear like a second skin. Especially if his last name is Southwest.”
I tongue my cheek, not quite laughing, but decently amused since North isn’t my favorite person of late.
With a satisfied smile, Barrett heads to his cubicle. I realize my mistake as I sit down at my desk—now not facing his. I can’t keep an eye on him. Yet I feel the weight of his stare on my profile.
I whip around, prepared to admonish him. He’s bent over his laptop and ignoring me completely. Seems to be a pattern with the men in my life.
Well, whatever. I have a job to do.
I finalize our reservations at La Petit France, which is a fancy French restaurant. According to their website they require a jacket, only serve dinner, and every menu item is pricey and à la carte. Fine by me. Mia is paying.
I’m scrolling through the menu when Guess Who walks up and blurts, “Do they have French fries? It’s a staple of my diet.”
“I highly doubt your chiseled body sees an ounce of saturated fat.”
“You think I’m chiseled?” He pulls a hand over his button-down white shirt and stands taller, puffing out his (very well-built) chest.
“You know you are.”
“Judging by those legs, Kitty Cat, you do your fair share of working out.” He glances down at my legs, crossed beneath a modest black skirt. I practically feel his gaze like a touch before his blue eyes snap up to mind.
“Runner?” he asks.
“Sometimes,” I answer, willing myself not to feel flattered.
“Those are some seriously hot shoes. How come you aren’t wearing them?” He’s referring to my Jimmy Choos—the same pair I wore for my date with North last night. The shoes lay on their sides under my desk as per my habit to kick them off while I’m working.
“They’re terribly uncomfortable, so I always take them off. I’m not even aware of it when I do it.”
“You have attractive toes, so it works. The Tiffany blue polish is a nice touch. What time is our first date?” he asks.
I’m still reeling from comments like “hot shoes” and “attractive toes” and “Tiffany blue” which, if I’m not hallucinating, just came out of the mouth of Barrett Fox.
“Uh, eight o’clock Saturday night.”
“Cliché but I’ll allow it. You sure South by Southwest is okay with us sharing an intimate dinner?”
“North isn’t the least bit intimidated by you. He has your number, Fox.”
Barrett only smiles. “Okay, but no phone calls after midnight. A guy’s got to get his beauty sleep.”
Chapter 5
“Tell us about your assignment, darling. Your father mentioned a football player of some sort?”