Page 125 of WTF
Go inside, tell him you never want to see him again, and make him go. If he touches you, scream.
Yes. That’s what I would do. He wouldn’t touch me here anyway. It was too risky. Someone might see.
Legs like jelly, vomit tossing itself up the back of my esophagus, I grabbed my key, bringing it up to the door.
It yanked open before I could use it, but instead of swinging all the way in, it only opened a couple inches. Just enough for me to lean toward the dark crack.
Swallowing thickly, I reached to push the door farther in…
A hand shot through the slim opening, clamping around my wrist like an iron shackle. I barely had time to gasp when I was wrenched into the room, my shoulders banging on the doorframe and the door as my body tried to fit in the narrow opening.
The force of the pull banged the door open wide, and I went flying into the room, stumbling.
Behind me, the door slammed, the sound of the lock like a death sentence. Before I could recover, rough hands were on me and I was shoved onto the bed, a body pinning me on the mattress.
My lungs burned and panic assailed me, the body pressing into mine suffocating. He leaned in, hot breath that was painfully familiar brushing against my ear.
“Last time you got away. But not this time. Not ever again.”
The sound of his voice sent me spiraling back to the past as memories burst behind my eyes, hot and bright like fireworks. I shut my eyes, trying to avoid them, but there was no getting away from what was already done.
You will stay locked in that room until you learn your lesson.
“No!” My yell was low and strangled as I bucked up, trying to throw him off.
He laughed, the sound like nails on a chalkboard as I recalled all the times he’d laughed just the same as I lay in a heap on the floor, bruised and sometimes bloody.
This is all your fault.
If you had listened, I wouldn’t have to do this.
No one will want you but me.
You’re so weak. Can’t even eat without almost dying.
I don’t want to do this, but it’s for your own good.
I bucked again, the sound of a belt buckle unlatching making me flinch.
A hand slammed into the side of my head, pinning it to the bed, fingers biting into my scalp. “Stay down, or I’ll make it so you can’t get up.”
“I’ll scream. I’ll scream, and everyone will come running,” I threatened.
“Go ahead,” he said, teeth scraping my ear. “Go ahead and let everyone in this place know you are so weak that you let me beat you.”
Shame burned the back of my throat, and I dry-heaved right there against my blankets.
He sat up, nails yanking my hair before he slapped me hard in the back of my head. Tears leaked from my eyes, dragging over my nose and making me feel a kind of pain that went way more than skin deep.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“You think you could do what you did and then leave me behind to deal with the fallout?”
“I told you to leave me alone.”
Pain shot through me as he buried a fist in my side. I grunted as the blow bounced around inside me, hitting all my nearby organs. “And I told you you’re mine.”
His words stirred up denial inside me so strong it grew into a physical reaction.