Page 151 of WTF
The self-hatred I felt in that moment was unmatched. The realization of my selfishness and what it cost Lars was something I might honestly never be able to forgive myself for.
The officer cleared his throat. “Are you saying you had a relationship with this man? That he has a history of violence?”
My eyes flashed up. “I’m talking to him right now. Not you.”
“Sir, this is a police matter—”
“Screw your fucking police matter!” I hollered. “He’s my life!”
Max stepped between me and the officers, planting himself like a wall. I wasn’t sure if it was to give me the privacy I wanted or because he thought I might launch myself at the cops.
I gave Lars a gentle shake. “Angel, what did he do to you after I left?”
He shrugged. “Nothing he hasn’t done before. This time, though, I fought back. It made him crazy. He pulled a knife.”
I made a sound and glanced at where I knew he’d just been stabbed. Had he been cut before?
“I ran.” Lars hurried to say. “I got away. I went to the hospital, and I filed a police report. It was the first time I ever did that.”
“No one knew he was abusive?” one of the cops asked.
Lars looked at me, eyes suddenly ashamed.
“It’s okay, angel.” I promised. “It’s okay. You did so good fighting back and getting away.” I pulled him into me, hoping the hammering of my heart didn’t hurt his bruised and swollen chest. “I’m so proud of you.”
Sniffling a bit, he pulled away to turn back to the room. “I’m sure there is a record of the police report from when he attacked me. There are also photos. He was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon and domestic violence.”
Well, that would explain the mugshot. “Why isn’t he in jail?” I demanded, completely outraged.
How could I have not known?All this time.All this time, he’d lived in fear. He lived with scars and insecurities. And why? Because I’d been too scared, too selfish to look closer at him.
Yet he was still here. He was still willing to trade his own safety for mine and board a plane with that waste of space. A half moan, half groan ripped out of me, the force of it causing pain in my side. I welcomed it. Deserved it. It was nothing compared to what he’d endured.
“He spent a little time in jail.” Lars hedged.
“How’d he get out?” Max questioned.
Lars’s eyes dropped to the floor. “My parents bailed him out.”
I jolted so hard I felt my stitches tug. Placing a hand across my middle, I started to pace.
“Fucking biologics,” Max spat, his own voice slightly haunted.
“Damn, and I was pissed my parents sent me across the country,” Rush muttered.
I’d forgotten he was even here.
“Do we really need to do this right now?” Wes asked the officers.
“I’m afraid so. We’re assuming once we bring him in, you will be pressing charges?” he asked.
“Yes!” I hollered. “Fucking yes, he will! And I am too,” I spat, lifting my shirt to show the row of twenty stitches. “That bastard beat and threatened Lars, then stabbed us both. I want him locked up.”
The officers nodded. “We have witnesses from the airport who stated he did approach you first and that you retaliated only after he attacked.”
“So you won’t arrest Win for assault. Right?” The underlying vulnerability in Lars’s voice was my undoing.
I stopped pacing to move to his side. “I’m not going anywhere, angel. Not ever.”