Page 36 of WTF
Flinging the coat off, I let it slap onto the floor in a heap. The rush of cold air I felt in its absence only made me embrace my fury more. And I was fucking furious. Angry he was treating me this way. Angry it hurt.
His eyes flashed to where I’d tossed his coat.
“Relax, Win. I’m not here for you. I’m here to study. To swim. What we had is over, and I have no interest in restarting what was. You’re not my roommate anyway.”
He sucked in a breath. “You have a roommate? Who is it?”
“What’s it to you?” I countered.
His tongue slid over his front teeth.
“Why do you think I didn’t even bother telling you I was coming? You made it clear when you left that it was over.”
He shifted. Everything about him did. “Lars…”
Fuck. What did I say? Why couldn’t I remember? I needed to know what I’d just said to bring out that tone.
Oh God,there he is. The Win I knew. The guy who broke through my toughest defenses. The guy who dripped stupid charm, acted like a golden retriever, but still somehow scared all the bad away.
“Go back to your life, Win,” I said, turning away. This conversation was over.
His hand slid around my arm, and he pulled me around. His palm cupped the back of my head, and his fingers delved into my hair. His other arm wrapped around my back to pull me flush against his front. The sensation of my (mostly) naked body against his clothed one tightened my nipples and had me pushing up onto my tiptoes for more contact.
He kissed just like that first time: greedy and possessive. Like he didn’t want to kiss me but hehadto. I whimpered deep in my throat and kissed him back, my entire world muted except for him. Our tongues battled, lips clashing as though he might be as starved as me. I drank him in, my soul consuming the very thing it had been lacking, the very thing only he could offer.
Around him, my arms tightened, fingers digging into his back while I dimly wished his clothes weren’t in the way, frantic to feel his hammering pulse under his skin. I pressed closer, wiggling until I felt the steely dick tenting his jeans so I could rock against it, reveling in its size and strength.
He moaned against my mouth, palms gripping my ass and pulling me even closer. Breathing ragged, I clung to him, cock straining against the stupid Speedos until it hurt. He felt so damn good that I remained pushed up on the tips of my toes while he ravaged my slackened mouth for every last bit he could find.
His chest was heaving, my body unsteady, when he pulled away. You’d think I would feel empty from the way he drained me, but strangely, I was fuller than before.
“Fuck,” he whisper-spat toward the floor. “I didn’t mean to do that.”
Suddenly, my back was pressed against the cold metal of the lockers. He crowded in, taking over my space like he had more rights to it than me. The domination in the act should have pissed me off, but all it did was make my trapped cock ache more. Pulse still unsteady, I lifted my chin to meet his eyes.
His palm flattened on the locker door beside my head, bodyweight shifting closer.How could someone so far away smell like home?
My heartdid notinvert when he widened his stance to bring us to eye level. “Did you come here for me?”
My nostrils flared. “No.”
“That’s good because I don’t do repeats.”
I didn’t know what ached more: the fact he could easily rebuff me after that burning fucking kiss or the fact that all I would be to him was nothing more than just a repeat.You got attached, Lars. You should never have gotten attached.
“The people here don’t know I’m bi.”
I was not expecting that, and the shock must have shown plainly in my stare. Shock was good, though. It distracted from the hurt.
His mouth lifted in a grim smile. “My brothers don’t know.”
My mouth dropped. “You never told Wes?”
Every time I said his brother’s name, a weird look flashed in his eyes. Almost like panic. Was I so bad that he didn’t want me around his precious brother?
“No one knows. That’s the way it’s going to stay.” He eyed me.