Page 4 of Irish King
If I had Diamond on the stand, I could’ve poked a million holes in her story. I didn’t have time for that, however.
I nodded toward her gaudy diamond necklace.
“Pretty nice bling you got there. You must be pulling in some nice cash. That is, unless you have a rich admirer.”
Diamond’s hand went to her necklace. She held it protectively, as if I might run over and snatch it from her at any second.
“I bought this myself. I don’t care if you believe me or not.”
I looked at her for a moment without saying a word, noticing a thin sheen of sweat forming on her forehead. “So, they weren’t a gift from someone? Someone who maybe did something to Kat and wanted you to keep quiet about it?” I kept my voice even though my blood was running hot through my veins. Tears formed in Diamond’s eyes, her lower lip shaking. Finally, she burst into sobs.
“I… I didn’t know what else to do! I screwed up!”
A box of tissues was nearby, and I hurried over to grab them, pulling a couple out and giving them to her. As Diamond wiped her eyes, I got a good sense of the type of woman I was dealing with; maybe a little arrogant from all the money and attention she was accustomed to, but deep down sharp enough to realize when she was in over her head.
“It was Eddie.”
My gut tensed. I’d done my research into Pussycats, learning the names of the handful of Irish mafia guys who ran the joint. But I wanted to be sure.
“Eddie Coonan.”
And there it was. Eddie Coonan was the boss here in town, a man as brutal as he was powerful. Pussycats was one of the many businesses he had his hands in around Boston. If Kat had found her way on to his bad side…
I pushed the thought out of my head, focusing on the conversation at hand.
“Eddie Coonan. I know the guy.”
She brought her brown eyes, still heavy with tears, up to me.
“You do?”
I nodded. “Yep. I’m a defense attorney. You don’t work in the law in any capacity in this town without hearing the name Eddie Coonan.”
“Then you know what he’s capable of.”
“I sure do. And it might not seem like it right now, but I’m one of the good guys. Most importantly, I want nothing more than to make sure Kat, Kiki, is safe.
Diamond wiped her eyes one more time, her slow nod suggesting that I’d won her over.
“A week or so ago, Kiki told me that she’d overheard a conversation between a couple of the guys, something she wasn’t supposed to hear.”
“What kind of conversation?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know. She didn’t tell me. Whatever it was she was worried, looked more scared than I’d ever seen her.”
“OK, then what happened?”
Diamond tensed up. There was no doubt in my mind that what she was about to say next wasn’t anything I’d want to hear.
“Diamond, tell me.” I spoke in my lawyer voice, the one I used when I wasn’t messing around.
She pursed her lips and nodded once more.
“Eddie started coming around the club, talking to the girls. At first, I thought he just wanted one of us like he normally does.”
“Like he normally does? What does that mean?”