Page 108 of Highest Bidder
“Did you pack extra socks?”
Dimitri sighs. “Yes.”
“And don’t forget your sunglasses. Snow blindness is a real thing.”
“I know, Aurora.”
“Oh! I packed some of those hand warmer packets for you. I stuffed them into your bag.”
“Thank you—”
“And don’t forget that given the current tilt of the earth, there’s no such thing as nighttime in Pevek, so make sure to use your sleeping mask, or you won’t get a wink of sleep.”
I chuckle as I step forward, placing my hand on the small of my little wife’s back. “My brother knows what he’s doing, my love.”
Aurora continues to shove all manner of packaged snacks into Dimitri’s backpack. “It’s a long trip, so take these in case you get hungry.”
Dimitri raises his brows at me. “Why does she seem more nervous than us?”
“I just know how big of a deal it is,” she argues. “Just think—you’ll be seeing your father for the first time in over thirty years.”
I exhale slowly. Itisa big deal. We’ve been preparing for this day for months. It took a while for my informants to provide proof that Konstantin’s information was legitimate. They had to scour through contact after contact to ensure the validity. After weeks of waiting, I finally have it on good authority that Lev really is being held captive somewhere in Pevek. Now I’m sending Dimitri to retrieve him.
I wanted to personally go myself, but I’m afraid business keeps me in Moscow. While the transition of power has been relatively smooth, I can’t afford to leave any time soon without risking my position and the security of my territory. Most of my uncle’s loyalists have either been dispatched or have gone into hiding, but they’re honestly the least of my concerns. I’ve been making good progress working with the other prominent Bratva families, but I trust them as far as I can throw them. There’s alwayssomeone, some group waiting for the opportunity to strike and steam roll all the progress I’ve made.
We’re at a private airport, the jet I chartered preparing for takeoff. Dimitri’s bundled up in several layers. In fact, we all are. It’s the dead of winter, and the threat of frostbite where Dimitri’s going is very,veryreal.
Catherina steps out of the car in a puffy white fur coat and a pair of non-slip boots. She pulls on her maroon leather gloves, looking as severe and bitchy as always. She starts towards the jet without so much as a goodbye.
“Move it, Dimitri,” she says over her shoulder. “There’s no time like the present.”
My younger brother shoots me a bitter glare. “Remind me again why I have to bringheralong?”
“She’s eager to see her husband,” Aurora says gently. Even though I know they don’t get along, my wife still tries to be kind. Her good heart is one of the many things I love about her.
Dimitri gives me a brief hug before moving to kiss Aurora on the cheek. “Make sure to show Sandra and Charlotte my picture every day. I don’t want them to forget their uncle’s face.”
I roll my eyes. “You’ll be gone for a couple of days, max.”
“Yes, but babies aren’t exactly known for their stellar memories.”
“Would you get on the damn plane? I’m freezing my ass off out here.”
Dimitri laughs. “Alright, alright.Bon voyageand all that good stuff.”
“We’ll see you when you get back.”
Aurora and I watch as Dimitri and Catherina board the plane. We remain until it takes off, taking to the skies within a matter of minutes. As I watch the jet shrink into nothing more than a dot over the horizon, eventually disappearing above the clouds, a flicker of hope burns in my chest. My informant was only able to confirm my father’s last known location, but they were unable to determine his state of being.
Locked away for decades… I can’t imagine what that kind of isolation does to a man. My memories of him are fuzzy to begin with. There’s a very good chance he won’t be the same. I genuinely don’t know what to expect.
“Come on, darling,” Aurora says. “We have to get back to the kids.”
* * *