Page 17 of Highest Bidder
“No, thank you.”
“Don’t be like that.”
“What part ofnodon’t you understand?”
Charlie chuckles, putting up his hands in mock surrender. He gives his groupies a look likeI’mthe one being an asshole.
“Jesus, someone took an extra dose of their bitchy pills today.”
I glare at him. “Excuse me?”
“Be a team player, Foster. Think about it, you could wear a bikini. I bet you look fucking hot in a bikini.”
I stand and get right in his face. I’ve had enough, and there’s no way in hell I’m going to let this blatant disrespect slide.
“You’re way out of line,” I snap. “Apologize.”
Charlie laughs. “Calm down, Aurora. Can’t you take a joke?”
“I’m not fucking laughing.”
He stands a bit taller, puffing out his chest and staring at me down the length of his pointy nose. I’m not intimidated. I refuse to be the first to break. If I do, it’ll make him think he can get away with this kind of boorish behavior. Not on my fucking watch.
Charlie’s eyes flit just past my shoulder to someone behind me. I don’t look, determined to remain focused. He caves first, wilting away with a derisive huff.
“Whatever,” he grumbles under his breath before walking away.
A small sense of triumph rises in my chest, though it leaves a bitter taste at the back of my throat. It doesn’tfeellike a victory. Not when my cheeks burn hot with embarrassment and my stomach bubbles with rage. Any of the other guys could have said something. Someone could have put their foot down and come to my defense. Yet I was all alone, fending off my asshole co-worker by myself. I can handle it, but I shouldn’t have to.
When I feel the prickle of tears stinging my eyes, I turn and head to the bathroom. Hell will freeze over before I allow Charlie and his fanboys to see me cry. As quickly and as quietly as I can manage without looking like I’m moving quickly, I shuffle to the women’s bathroom.
Anger licks the back of my neck, makes my whole skull pound. Everything about this sucks. I haven’t made a single friend at CyberFort, and to top everything off, my precarious situation with my boss makes me feel like I’m constantly walking around on eggshells.
The last thing I am is a quitter, but…Shit. Maybe quitting is the easiest option. I know I could tough it out for a whole year, but is the stress worth it? With my credentials, I could easily find a new placement somewhere else. Maybe Mikhail will write me a stellar reference. I’m sure he, of all the people here, wants me gone with as little fuss as possible.
But the sting of defeat makes me reconsider. If I quit CyberFort, they win. My pride can’t handle a blow like that. Charlie and his smart mouth, Mikhail and his stupidly handsome face… I don’t think I’d ever forgive myself for copping out so early.
The bathroom door swings open. Merrybell pokes her head in, wearing a friendly smile.
“How are you doing, dear?” she asks me, standing in front of the sink beside mine. The older woman takes her time washing her hands, lathering with soap while running the water to let it warm up. In my short time here, I’ve learned that Merrybell is really the only person here I can tolerate.
“I’m having a day,” I admit with a thin laugh.
“I overheard what happened.”
“Forget about it. Boys being boys and all that.”
Merrybell clicks her tongue. “Boys will be held accountable for their actions,” she corrects, though not unkindly. “This is a tough field we’re in. Keep your chin up. Remember you’re not alone.”
I offer a small smile. “Thanks, Merry.”
“Now, once you’re ready, Mikhail would like to see you in his office.”
A shiver slithers my spine at the mere mention of his name. “Why?” I ask. My voice comes out way squeakier than I want it to. “Am I in trouble?”
Merrybell shrugs as she wipes her hands with some paper towel. “He sent me after you, but he didn’t say. I’m sure everything’s fine, though.”
I swallow the lump lodged in the back of my throat. Something tells me that’s not the case. I take a deep breath and anxiously spin my mother’s ring around my finger. Dread sits heavy in the pit of my stomach, but there’s no way out of this. Sometimes it’s better to rip the bandage off in one go, no matter how badly it’s going to hurt.