Page 85 of Highest Bidder
Mikhail speaks gently.Sogently. It breaks my heart.
He gently takes my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. Both our hands are dirty with blood and dirt and nasty scrapes of our own. We’ve really been through the ringer.
“This is Konstantin’s fault,” he says sternly. “And hewillpay.”
He brings my hand up and kisses my knuckles. The air is still, but I can still hear the echoes of gunfire. Mikhail’s right. ItisKonstantin’s fault. And if he didn’t have the courtesy to die in that pit, then I won’t allow myself a moment’s rest until he pays. Until all of us are avenged. He’s taken so much from us—our time, our freedom, our sense of safety. I was hollow before, numb.
Now I’m fucking angry.
“Let’s go,kisa. They’re waiting for us.”
We step out and Nicolai’s men rush forward into the van. Two of them come out carrying Charlotte. She’s barely alive but still holding on. Nicolai is standing to the side, watching. I recognize him from the video of his ‘death’.
“Don’t worry, Aurora, we will take care of your friend,” Nicolai promises.
“Please. I can’t lose her.”
“We will do our best,” Alexi promises me. He climbs into the vehicle with Charlotte and speeds off into the distance.
“I promise to keep you posted,” Nicolai says before stepping away for a moment.
Mikhail brushes my hair away from my face, crouching between me and the door of the car. He looks me over with great care, his brows furrowed together.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
“Checking on you. Are you hurt?”
I laugh bitterly. “Checking onme? I think you should worry about yourself first.” I reach out and gently brush the tips of my fingers over his face. He’s bruised all over, his right eye almost swollen shut. “My poor Misha. Look what they’ve done to you.”
“I hope I’m not too rough to look at,” he teases lightly. His heart isn’t really in it. Mine either.
“Don’t worry,” I murmur. “I think you’re still very handsome.”
“Thank God. I’d hate to give you another reason to hate me.”
“I don’t hate you, Mikhail.”
His eyes flit down to my belly, his hands lowering to carefully caress my bump. “I’ve done nothing but make your life miserable. Sometimes I think…”
“I should have stayed away. The first night we met, I should have left and never looked back. But I couldn’t do it. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted you to be mine—and because of my selfishness,thishappened.”
I cup his face. “Stop it, Mikhail.”
“You would be safe at home if it weren’t for me. If I hadn’t dragged you into all this. I regret—”
I cut him off with a deep kiss, practically starving for the taste of his lips. “I knew I wanted you to be mine the second I saw you, too,” I murmur softly against his lips. “You and me… I think we were meant to find each other. So don’t you dare blame yourself, Misha. I don’t regret a damn thing. If I had the chance to do everything over, I’d choose you every single time.”
“I love you, Mikhail.” My heart feels so full I’m convinced it’s going to burst. Apparently, near-death experiences help make for ripe confessions. “I love you and I’m glad I met you, so don’t youdaretell me you regret—”
It’s his turn to cut me off, his kiss tender and sweet. “I love you, too.”
I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hug him as tight as I dare, very aware and mindful of his injuries. Mikhail doesn’t seem to mind, however. He circles my waist and holds me close, one hand running through my hair. My heart is happy and broken and elated and distressed. The only reason I know I can keep going is because he’s here and he’s mine. We’re going to get through this together, no ifs, ands, or buts.
“Aww,” Dimitri coos just off to the side. “You guys are so cute.”