Page 44 of Sold to the Bikers
Quickshot puts the beers down on the table, then drops into the couch on the other side of me. "Before we drag your clothes off and make you ours again."
"Both of those sound pretty good," I admit, taking the beer he hands me. I don't drink it often, but around here it seems it's the default, and I'm really thirsty. Sex is good exercise, it turns out.
"Yeah?" Animal's hand slips up from my waist to cup one of my breasts through the tube top. "Good, because I don't think I can get fucking enough of you."
"Jesus, let the girl rest a little," laughs Badass. He takes a deep swig.
The next couple of hours are spent laughing and talking, strangely comfortable after everything that just happened. I know there's still the Unwanted to worry about, and my old life that’s a burning dumpster fire, but right now, I feel good. The guys are crude, and have strong opinions about all the sexy things they want to do to me, but they're easy to talk to, too. And when they're laid back and joking at each other, and making sure to include me in it, it's obvious how good friends they are.
They must've been friends for years, and it makes me think about my own life. I never had time for friends, not since Mom and Dad died. What would it be like to have a place like the Screaming Eagles to support me like the club members seem to support each other? Could I have kept Sandra out of trouble? Much as I tried, it always seemed like I could've done better by her. Even now. I need to find a way to call and warn her to watch out.
The guys shift me around between them. For a while I'm in Animal's lap, then into Quickshot's and then Badass's, only to get pulled over to Animal again. It's nice. I want life to be this nice all the time, which sounds crazy, since I'm supposed to be pretending to basically be their sex slave. If you'd asked me a week ago what I imagined my perfect life to be, I can guarantee this wouldn’t be it.
Where do we go from here? Important questions, definitely, that I don't have any good answers to.
Natalie walksinto the common room dressed like she’s on the fucking prowl. It’s hard to believe it’s the same girl I shocked with a kiss the first night we met, or the terrified woman we saved from the Unwanted.
"Fuck, you look good."
She bites her lower lip as she looks up at me, and there's just a hint of a blush that's fucking adorable. Her thick blonde hair's sleek and wavy, and while I love the wildness of her sexy bed hair, this is fucking nice too.
I make sure she notices how I let my eyes travel down from her beautiful face with those big blue eyes and plump lips, into the generous cleavage that her pink off-the-shoulder top shows off—fuck, it was only yesterday, but I'm already dreaming about getting my hands all over those tits again—then down over her exposed stomach, with a little gemstone nestled into her belly button, and over her round ass, packed into booty shorts that I just wanna tear off her so I can get at her again. Then down her soft thighs to her cute feet, and all the way back up again until I find her smiling nervously at me.
"Is it too much? Jewel helped me. The belly button sticker was her idea. It's fake, obviously. I'm not sure I would actually want a piercing, but she thought—"
"Fucking amazing." I capture the back of her head, threading my fingers through her gorgeous blonde waves and pull her in for a kiss. She tastes fucking delicious.
A couple of the guys cheer. It's party night and while it's still early, some of the patrols are already starting to come in. Word got around fast about the four of us fucking at the Roost. And then we probably kept the whole fucking clubhouse awake with the after-party in Badass's room. At least now there won’t be any doubts about who she belongs to.
She draws a deep breath at the cheers, then sets her cute little chin in determination and even smiles a little. "I shouldn’t be embarrassed because they already thought we were… you know, but still."
"All part of the plan, baby."
Her expression falls immediately. "Right. Our plan. I forgot we're just pretending."
"Fuck, that's not what I mean. I'm sorry, and believe me, I don't say that often. There's no fucking pretending here. Not anymore. It doesn't matter what those fuckers in the Unwanted say, you're never going back there." I slip off my barstool so I can lift her up on hers, and then hold her there, feeling her warmth in my arms. "What I said was fucking stupid."
She nods into my chest. "But it is the plan still, isn't it? Even if this is turning into something more, so long as the Unwanted are still out there, it’s not safe for me. Or my sister. I don’t trust Crusher."
"Because you’d be stupid to, but he can't get you here. There's no fucking way. If I don't kill him when he tries, it's because Badass or Quickshot already beat me to it. Probably Quickshot. He could core a fucking apple from a block away when he's not fucking around." I squeeze her hard, until she grunts in protest. "You're safe with us."
"But Sandra isn't."
“Would you feel better if we sent someone to check on her?”
“Yeah, I—”
Someone dims the lights. A couple of sluts head my way almost immediately, but then they see Natalie and veer deeper into the crowd. The music gets louder, and Chef drops a couple of beers on the counter in front of us.
"Would you? I tried to send her a message from a phone Quickshot said was a burner or something, but she didn’t respond. I think she filters out anything that isn’t on her contact list.” Natalie sits up so she can speak over the music, then grabs one of the beers. "Crusher could already have her for all I know.”
“Nah, he’d be using it to threaten us if he did.”
“I wish I was that confident,” she says miserably.