Page 10 of Mad Boys
There was more press out here. Lights flickered everywhere.
“Keys,” I said to the valet. He handed them over and I gave him another fifty. I was barely behind the wheel when her taillights vanished up the road with two or three other cars following and a motorcycle.
I blasted the horn to get the assholes in front of me a warning before I floored it. She wasn’t getting away from me and she sure as hell wasn’t going to have to deal with that press by herself.
Despite her erratic driving, I managed to catch up. The fucking asshole on the motorcycle was still trying to snap a picture.
She jerked her car at the last minute and turned around a corner while doing forty-five. She even took it up on two wheels and then down again. The Mercedes followed the curve like a predator on the heels of his prey.
The motorcycle stuck with her, but she’d lost two of the cars. There was still another car between us. C’mon Ace, I tried to urge her. Pull over…
She went around another corner and then right over the curb and down the hill. Metal crunch and glass shattered.
Douchebag Three washere. Not just in Los Angeles but at the club I was dancing in. He was here and he had his hands on me. The shock held me captive for too long. He had time to tug my cap off and then pull it away. The clip holding my hair up popped free and it spilled around me.
It took almost no time before someone noticed me. The hair, as much as I loved it, was too distinctive. I had to get out of here. The whole point of dancing like this was the anonymity. I could get out, cut loose and burn off all the restlessness.
It was so much harder at home. Harder than I expected. Especially…
I pushed against him. No more damn kisses. No more Ace. No more Lachlan. Just no damn more.
Then he said... wait… what? “Wait—you think I’m mad ‘cause you’re brothers?”
No, that hadn’t been my favorite moment, but was he high? The noise level around us climbed, but not so much I didn’t catch the first, “Holy shit, it’s her!”
“Oh, hey, baby…”
I thrust away from Lachlan and collided with the guy trying to grope me. Lachlan was already swinging, and I ducked away from that fight and hauled ass. I was looking for Dix all the way down the stairs.
He was usually not that far from the dance floor. He’d been amazing about being where I could see him or get to him if I needed reassurance and keeping his distance so I could just let go.
All the way down to the ground floor, I looked everywhere and didn’t see him. I pulled out my phone and hit his contact number, pushing my way to the door and trying to ignore the photos being snapped of me. I could always tell the moment someone recognized me.
Dix didn’t answer.
I pulled the ticket out of the top of my boot along with the cash to give to the valet. I needed to gonow. The car was never far, as he always made them park it close. The valet took one look at me and the cameras flashing that came from the other end of the line.
Yep. They knew I was out here.
“C’mon,” the valet said, hurrying me to the car. It was parked ahead of a silver Mercedes and I ignored it to slide into the driver’s seat. The valet gave me the keys, and I gave him the hundred. He shut the door, and I pulled the seatbelt on and stared at the car.
How hard could it be?