Page 34 of Mad Boys
Payton gave him an incensed look. “Do you have any idea who I am?”
“A pain in the ass?” Dix retorted, his tone far milder than the sarcastic look on his face. “Some of us are working, either go coordinate your movers or just get out of the way.”
Her mouth opened and closed, before she wrenched her gaze in my direction.
“Don’t look at me, I’m fine with you going away and never coming back.” Facts were facts. I needed to stop letting her provoke me, cause the hoarseness of my voice might be “better” but my throat wasn’t healed yet.
With a little squeal of indignation, she flounced off to her room. The minute her door slammed shut, I rubbed a hand over my face.
“Kill me,” I muttered.
“Nope,” Dix told me. “I’ll have this set up in a minute. Aubrey is heading to the bookstore to pick up all your texts, and the new laptops should have arrived, but she has to sign for them at the mail room.”
That was good. We’d ordered them as soon as it hit both of us ours were gone. “Can I help…?”
“No,” Dix said, catching my arm and turning me around. He gave my ass a slap. “Go sit down and rest. You’ve been overdoing it all day.”
I barely felt the pat but I flipped him off before I went and fell on the sofa. It wasn’t that comfortable. Not like the old one.
It seemed to take Dix no time at all to get the coffee maker set up. Then the sound of the beans grinding was like heaven. Within a few minutes, he presented me with hot foamy goodness.
“Thank you,” I mouthed more than said.
“My pleasure. More to haul up. We’re having to take turns with the other movers so we don’t clog up the stairs.”
I savored another long sip of the coffee. Fuck, it was perfect. Dix even bought the right beans. Maybe Aubrey was right, we should ask Dix to stay for a while. That seemed a lot for someone who lived in California. He’d do it, if I asked, but the chaos of the school year was already a little out of control.
Speaking of chaos…
Coffee on the table, I grabbed my guitar cases and carried them to the room Aubrey and I would share. The closet wasn’t really designed for two, but we could make it work. We had on the tour bus.
A knock in the other room tugged at my attention, but I was stowing my guitars first. The murmur of voices—one male and one female—drifted into the room. It sounded like Payton was talking to someone, so I ducked into the bathroom to pee real quick and wash my hands while she was distracted.
I hadn’t closed the door to my room so I got there to see Payton practically rubbing against Ramsey, with her arms around his neck.
“You have to do something, Ramsey,” Payton half-moaned. Disgust curled through me at the simpering tone pushing up the words. “I need to feel safe and I’m not going to do that having to room withher.”
“Please…” She pushed herself into him even as he backed up a step. Neither one of them were looking at me. To be honest, they weren’t looking at each other either. Ramsey was trying to get her hands off of him, and he was carefullynottouching her anywhere but her hands.
The leech, on the other hand, was practically dry humping his leg.
“Imagine,” she said. “We get rid of her, then I’m right here in your building…and I’d be so grateful.”
I gagged. That was… disgusting.
Ramsey jerked free of her hold and Payton stumbled almost gracelessly. “Do you mind?” she snapped at me. “We are trying to have a private conversation!”
“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” I shook my head. “Maybe close a door or two if you want to keep it private.” I didn’t focus on Ramsey or the stiffness in his posture. Course, my disdain lost some power when I coughed. I fought against the tickle setting me off.
I owed him a thank you, but I wasn’t doing it now and I wasn’t doing it in front of her skankiness. Retrieving my coffee, I detoured the long way around the room to head to the kitchen.
“Ladies,” Ramsey said. “We’ll be having a dorm meeting this evening in the first floor entertainment lounge. I expect to see you both there…”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” Payton practically cooed.