Page 121 of Reckless Thief
“No,” she said, though her tone didn’t sound as confident. “I imagine he still exercises some control through notifications…”
“Which account of mine would they have deposited that twenty-five percent in?”
“Your account,” Mom said. “The one we set up for you when you started performing. All of your money has been deposited. You have your own financial advisor, baby. He should have been sending you reports…”
Right. When would I have seen those? Before the Vandals took me, I was still legally a minor and had been barely eighteen. “I’m going to have to make some calls.”
“I’ll help you,” Mom told me, except Kellan’s expression grew increasingly grim as the conversation continued.
“Let’s investigate this after,” he said. “You’re going to need an attorney. One we can trust.”
“Liam will know someone.”
Rome nodded at that assessment, and Kellan sighed. “Sparrow? Stay with me a moment while the guys escort Moira?”
“I’ll be right with you,” I told her. “Don’t go in until I’m there.” I squeezed her arm, and she gave Kellan a long studying look before Vaughn motioned for her to follow him. Freddie squeezed my pinky before he and Rome escorted Mom out.
She looked unnerved, then again, why wouldn’t she be? She didn’t know them as I did. Didn’t know they wouldn’t hurt her unless she posed a threat. Honestly, I didn’t think they’d hurt her even then unless I said something.
They’d restrain her, in any case.
That was enough for now.
When the door closed, I faced Kellan. He studied me, hands in his pockets and head tilted. It had been a while since he looked at me like this. “What are you hoping to accomplish with taking her out there?”
I didn’t answer immediately or dismiss the question. Instead, I turned it over in my head. “I want the truth…but I need closure, and so does she.”
He gave me a slow nod. “You know you might not get either?”
I lifted my shoulders. “I have to try. I can’t—-I can’t take these lies anymore. Parents who wanted me for someone else. A father who abandoned me but now wants me for something? The same people are trying to hurt all of you…havehurt you. Hurt me. Sent Milo to prison.”
No, I had to do something.
“I wish I had the answers for you, Sparrow.”
“Me too. But for the first time…there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. A place where we get everything we want and live in a world we make for ourselves.” I spread my arms. “I know it won’t always be easy. If you’d asked me two years ago, would I embrace a relationship with so many lovers that accepted mewithso many others? Honestly, I’d probably have laughed in your face and then run to hide with security.”
“But we do accept you with everyone else,” Kellan said. “You know that, right?”
“I do,” I promised him, then closed the distance between us. As soon as I was there, he hooked an arm around me and dragged me to him. “I love you. I love all of you so damn much.”
His smile gentled. “I love you too, Sparrow. We all do. So no matter what happens, we do this together.”
“Even if together means I stay behind while you take on the bad guys?”
“Even if,” he agreed. “Trust me—when the time comes to pull the trigger, you will have that say. We will extract the punishment for you and the vengeance, but we aren’t taking it from you.”
A shiver raced up my spine. “And when they are gone…?”
“Sky’s the limit, little bird. Head up, wings out.”
I pushed up on my toes, and Kellan met me with a heart-wrenching, sweet kiss. His lips massaged mine apart even as he swept his tongue in to tangle with my own. A sigh escaped me as I sank into his kiss. When he lifted me, I wrapped my arms around him to hold on.
Never letting go.
I wasneverletting any of them go again. “We can do this, right?”
“Yes,” he said without hesitation. When he shifted to wrap his fingers around my throat, he paused to study the marks there. They weren’t that bad. Thankfully, Mom hadn’t noticed them or if she had, she hadn’t said a word. “We can do this. Trust me?”