Page 129 of Reckless Thief
I glanced back at the closed doors again. Vaughn patted my shoulder. “C’mon, Doc. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we get her back.”
After I put the gear in the trunk, I rubbed my hands together. The rats were everywhere right now. Granted, they weren’t all rats, and we were supposed to be looking for a new name for them.
Rats didn’t exactly inspire confidence. But in my head, they were always going to be rats. I wanted to find Fuckbucket and castrate him before we did anything else. I wanted him to know what it was like to lose his balls. Man didn’t deserve them.
Then I wanted him to suffer and die by inches. Thirteen to fourteen years of hell might begin to even the scales.
“Hey,” Jasper said, bumping my shoulder with his fist. “You good?”
“I got naked with her,” I said abruptly, then glanced at Jasper. “And yeah—it was good.”
The corners of his mouth twitched, though the measuring look in his eyes told me he got it. “Good.”
“I mean, I thought it was kind of great—we haven’t really had time since, but…”
“You’re going to have time,” he said in a steady, confident voice. “You’re both going to have the time. We’ll damn well steal it if we have to.”
“Not like it would be a first,” Vaughn said as he passed us by carrying a pair of bags on his way to another car. “We’re pretty good at stealing what we need.”
“Some of us are,” Liam commented as he followed. “Some of us just like to make a lot of noise.”
I snorted. “I can do both. I’m talented like that.”
Rome paused to shove his two bags at me. “Carry bags, then.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I grinned, hauling them over toward Jasper’s vehicle. I didn’t miss the speculative looks from the guys, yet I also didn’t feel cornered by them.
Boo-Boo belonged to all of us, and I still couldn’t believe I’d gotten to not only hold her while she was naked but let myself be naked with her. I wasn’t sure about her touching me yet, not totally, but her absolute willingness to let me touch her—that was fucking everything.
My cock gave a little pulse at the idea of her hand on me, and that—that was pretty cool. Normally, nothing killed an erection faster. I’d managed to fuck others, but I couldn’t let them do the same to me.
It was why I’d pressed myself against her back, rubbed myself off on her ass… I thought it would be easier. It was, but even better was when she’d let me play with her and hadn’t denied me anything.
Her trust was the sweetest gift.
“Hey,” Kellan said, crashing into the fantasy holding me hostage, and I blinked at him. “Take it easy. You with us?”
Yeah… “Hard not to think about her.”
“I know. If you’re going to struggle, we can send you to them. Might be good for you and Rome both—”
“No,” Rome said before I could. Kellan and I both glanced at him. “Freddie needs this.” He didn’t add that so did he, but it seemed to hang in the air.
He wasn’t wrong. I did need this. Returning my attention to Kellan, I nodded. “He’s right. I need this. I need to do this for her.”
“We all do,” Kel said. “Head in the game, daydream about her later—and before you mouth off, remember, I know just how pretty her pussy is.”
“Yep,” came the comments from the rest of them. “We all do,” Liam said. “Can we save the boner discussions for later? This is hard enough—” He grimaced and I snorted.
“Too easy.”
That broke some of the tension, and my grin grew. We had later. We would absolutely have it later and all the days after that.
Probably a good thing Boo-Boo wasn’t here right now, ‘cause Liam was right; she really did have the prettiest pussy. Next time, I promised her and her pussy in my head. Next time, I’d work on letting her touch me, and maybe...maybe she’d let me eat her out.