Page 3 of Reckless Thief
“She told you what her uncle did.” There was no beating around the bush, no second-guessing, or pretty words to soften the blow. “What the mother fucker did to her.”
The air in the vehicle went volcanic as Jas took a noisy inhale. I gave him a minute to exhale. “Yes,” he said. “She told me.”
“We’re going to kill him, right?”
“Eventually,” Jas said, his expression darkening. “A one-way trip to hell might be too good for him. I want him to hurt first.”
Hurt for every single thing he’d done to Boo-Boo. “I’ll help.”
A faint smile touched Jas’ mouth. “I don’t doubt it. Just remember—don’t kill him quick.”
I had no problems remembering that…at all. In fact, I flexed my hands and forced my knee to stop bouncing. “I think—”
The next words died unspoken as the whole car bucked. I jerked around to look. Had someone hit—
“Fuck,” Jasper swore. “Brace.”
The words barely left his mouth as a plume of fire shot out and the car bucked again. This time, it definitely felt likesomethinghit us. We were on four wheels and then we were airborne, or at least flipping.
The car landed on its roof, skidding and throwing up sparks. All the blood rushed to my head. Lights blurred outside, and there was the shriek of more metal, then brakes squealing. We finally came to an abrupt stop.
Hanging, I tried to suck in a breath, but the force on my chest was like a giant’s fist crushing me. What the—more screaming tires outside and the crashing of metal.
There was a huge truck bearing down on Liam’s car as he swerved and then whipped backwards, driving through traffic in reverse. The truck didn’t slow in its pursuit, forcing other vehicles to slam on their horns and jerk out of the way.
A series of crashes rippled through the night.
“Out of the car, Freddie,” Jasper ordered, verbally kicking me into action. I tried to depress the seatbelt lock except it was jammed.
Damn thing. I flicked out my knife and sliced it, barely catching myself from landing on my head. A gunshot ripped through the night. Then another.
I pushed out of the car in time to see Jasper and Liam striding through the wreckage, firing.
Where the fuck was Boo-Boo?
The too-bright headlights filling the car blinded me. Liam swerved, then slammed the car into reverse. The world slowed from the moment I’d seen the plume of fire behind us and realized it had been Jasper’s car.
Freddie and Jasper had both been in the car when it flipped. I barely twisted back as the sound of a horn filled the interior and the intense lights brought tears to my eyes.
Tires screaming, Liam retreated through oncoming traffic. The truck slammed into three cars, knocking them aside as it pursued us like some monster in a horror movie.
“Hold on, Hellspawn,” Liam ordered, and I flexed my hand on the oh-shit handle even as the whole car spun. The truck was going to hit us, then—it passed by so close that sparks exploded off the side where the vehicles ground against each other.
I could see Jasper’s car now, even as the cacophony of sound suddenly silenced. We lurched forward and spun again, smoke from the tires kicking up as they squealed against the pavement. This time when we came to an abrupt stop, Liam put the car into park.
“Gun.” Liam handed me a weapon. “Out of the car. Moving target. Get Freddie and go.”
Even as I closed my hand on the gun he passed me, his mouth fused to mine in a fierce, hot and bruising kiss.
“You better come back to me,” I ordered against his lips.
“I will,” he promised. “Now get moving. Keep moving. Trust no one.”No one that wasn’t us. The unspoken command resonated.
It wasn’t a hard command to obey. I needed to make sure Freddie was all right. Freddie. Jasper. Everyone. Wrapping my hand around the grip of the gun, I was out of the car three seconds after Liam emerged.