Page 71 of Reckless Thief
“Someone has been sneaky.”
“A little calculated effort,” she said, grinning. “Milo helped.”
“Did he?” That amused me almost as much as her radiant expression.
“He did…Now, if you will take a seat, Mr. Traschel, and pour yourself a glass of wine. We’ll get started.” Only instead of sitting when I pulled out her chair, she backed away and shook her head. “Nope, that table is for you right now.”
I tracked her movements, more curious than anything, as I took the seat. A date in her soundproof studio was a nice compromise. Especially since we’d reinforced the walls.
When she eyed me expectantly, I chuckled and poured myself a glass of wine. “Happy?”
“Yes,” she said, before flicking on the music, then adjusting the lights. Five minutes later, she held me in rapt awe as she twisted and twined in the silks—dancing in the air, performing.
One particular twist had her angled in flight, and our gazes locked. It took me back to that night she invited me to watch her perform. The night everything changed. Our broken bird had reclaimed her wings.
“Thanks for coming, Stephen,” I said to the doctor studying the charts in front of him. “I know this wasn’t much notice.”
“I owe you,” he said, resting his knuckles against the desktop. “And you’ve got excellent records, but you and I both know the locals may have an issue with this transition.”
“Maybe, for a little while, but I’m hoping it won’t be more than a month. Two tops.” Though it would take as long as it would take.
Wars always seemed to involve logistics, supplies, manpower, and luck. Plans changed, and the neighborhood was aware of the issues we’d been having. Maybe not the exact details, but the mechanic shop burning down the same night as the tattoo parlor and car explosions on the strip near Inferno?
Yeah, there was no mistaking that.
“The good thing is that the neighborhood is like a family. You’ll get the grandmothers first. Make nice with them, and you’ll be golden.”
Stephen Butler chuckled. “Got it.” He shifted his stance, then reached out a hand to shake mine. “I’ll take care of the place.”
Gripping his hand for a moment, I nodded. Stephen and I went back to basic. We’d both ended up in bad situations in the field, and we’d both ended up in medical school. After that, we’d taken some drastically different paths. But he wouldn’t ask a lot of questions, and that was what I needed.
“If anyone comes looking for me…”
He grinned. “Sorry, Dr. James took a leave of absence, and we don’t know when he’s returning.”
I clapped his shoulder. “Thanks again.”
“No problem. Watch your back.”
I paused at the door and nodded. “You too.”
Then I was out in the hall. Leaving the clinic was a lot more challenging than I expected. This place was everything I’d poured my life into when I got back. It was where I’d begun to try and put right the things I’d fucked up.
Walking away felt a little bit like surrendering, even though I wouldn’t risk the clinic or the people in the neighborhood to Little Bit’s insane uncle or the people working for him. If it was just me, fuck it—let them come.
It wasn’t just the guys or me. In fact, it wasn’t really abouthurtingus, while that was definitely a part of it. No, this campaign focused on terror. The person he wanted to terrorize was the one he wanted to drive away from our protection.
Bones waited for me near the exit door to the lot in the back. “Good?”
“It’ll do. Where’s Voodoo?”
“Sent him to the car," he said. “His attitude has been annoying me.”
That was new. “Do I need to care?”