Page 82 of Reckless Thief
This was true. “If he isn’t hiding at any of his properties, then perhaps something that’s in the company name or owned by Moira.”
That tugged a thread that pulled the attention in the fridge to him.
“Why else lock her down?” I asked. “He wanted her drugged, insensible, and out of sight. If you wanted to hide in plain sight, you hide where people aren’t looking for you…”
Kellan scratched his jaw thoughtfully before glancing at Doc. “Let’s ask them to add Moira Sharpe to their searches.”
We gave Sharpe another thirty minutes to recoup. After Doc removed the IV, Milo picked up the hose. Icy spray was never a fun way to wake up.
He coughed and sputtered, then groaned as his pains hit. Yeah, I was fine with him suffering. It was my turn to ask him a question. Since we hadn’t gotten any actionable answers yet, we would keep going around in a circle until we were back to the beginning.
Stripping the hood off, I studied the man dangling from the chains. He didn’t seem remotely intimidatingbeforewe brought him in. Now?
Pathetic seemed too good a word for him. Breathing hard through his nose, he blinked at the brightness around him and then stared at me. I said nothing, just studied him. This man and his brother were responsible for all the deaths at the tattoo shop.
They were the ones who got Lauren burned. She was still in the hospital, suffering from second-degree burns on one of her legs and smoke inhalation. I’d only made it to the hospital twice to check on her.
On the second visit, she mentioned that someone had paid her medical bills. I didn’t have to ask who that was. Liam was still looking after everyone, even while he mournedhisfather.
Then there was this asshole.
Sharpe stared at me then made some guttural sounds behind the tape. Twice more he attempted it. While the words didn’t translate, the tone did.
“Yeah, you’re still not ready to talk.” There was too much defiance in him lingering. Not that he possessed an ounce of his daughter’s spirit. Hell, he didn’t really deserve to call Dove his daughter. She was so much more than him.
Pivoting, I went to the table and picked up the butane torch. It was designed for cooking, and what I intended to do definitely fell into a similar category.
That said, I turned so he could see what I was doing as I fired up the torch. I studied the blue flame shooting from the tip before glimpsing at Sharpe.
He’d blanched, what little color he had left melting away.
“You’re scared, aren’t you?” I asked him. “Worried about what I’m going to do with this. Horrified that no one will take the tape off to let you talk. Worried we’ll never hear anything but your screams. If you think we don’t give a fuck about those, you’re right.”
I gave it a moment to let the words sink in before I moved closer. He wanted to lean away from the heat rolling off the torch. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have very far to go. He struggled with getting his feet under him, only that just opened up the cuts on the bottom of his feet—we’d sliced both by now.
“The thing is,” I continued as I invaded his space. “You’re not ready to talk yet. You think this is hell right now. How long will it take you to realize it’s only been a few hours like this, and Dove spentyearschained, gagged, and tortured. Where were you?”
I canted my head.
“What was it you said? Right…you were there to try and protect her. Only, you didn’t protect her. Do something for me. Think about all the times you sat across from her at a meal after your brother put his hands on her. Think about all the nights you left her with him, aware of what he was going to do. Think about all the times she had to return to a traveling show bruised, battered, and brutalized. Then you think about how many years she had to do that for…”
I brought the torch to his side, a glancing blow, though right where the skin on his torso stretched. His screams climbed even if I didn’t keep the heat there. It didn’t take the torch long, but I’d managed to burn the beginnings of a letter.
Studying the torch for a moment, I looked back at him.
“You know, I gave her both the tattoos she’s wearing right now.” I kept it conversational. “She didn’t even flinch when the needle was on her skin. Determined and courageous, but most of all…she survived. I already know you won’t. But keep telling yourself otherwise.”
I flicked the torch on against his other side, and the stretch of his mouth as he screamed pulled some of the tape loose.
“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. It means we get all the time in the world with you. I’m planning to enjoy it.”
Not that he caught the last few words, he’d already pissed himself and passed out again.
“Is it me, or should we stop giving him IVs?” Freddie asked. “Cause the pissing is getting old.”
Kellan shook his head. “This is going to take time. Bag him up and lock him down. We’ll give him time to wake up alone and hurting. Then come see him again.”