Page 94 of Reckless Thief
That earned him a dour look from Adam. Reckless or not, Ezra ignored him.
“Anyway,” Adam continued, shifting his weight but not his glare. Ezra’s smirk grew defiant. Yeah, I didn’t need to try and figure out what was going on between the two of them. Not right now. I already had enough headaches. “Sharpe dropped out of sight a few months ago. He’s been almost impossible to track.”
I was aware, so I just met Adam’s gaze and waited. There was a point there.
“I got information on him from a credible source.” He pulled a card out of his pocket and passed it to me.
“Do I get to know the source?” I scanned the card. It didn’t offer much. There was a raven in the corner and a single name on the front with a phone number. Not a local area code. The back just read relocation specialist.
“Margareta Waldemar.”
The name meant nothing to me.
“Yeah, I didn’t know her before, either. However, I have gotten to know her the past few months…”
“Brixton’s boss.” The bitch who had Rome and Hellspawn taken.
One nod.
“And this?” I looked at the card again, filing the name Margareta Waldemar away. He pronounced the last name with a v sound and a hint of German inflection.
“A broker. They make arrangements for safe havens at a price for a particular clientele.”
So—criminal WITSEC, more or less. Great.
“You may not be able to buy them off,” Adam warned. “Secrecy and anonymity are part of what is offered. They aren’t going to break easy.”
But we could torture it out of them. Maybe.
“Where there is a relocator,” Adam continued, “there might be a locator who can track them down.”
“The Network.” We didn’t do business with them often. The transport of Sharpe had been one of the first times in a while. The Network had undergone some seismic shifts over the last few months.
“You can trust them, some of them. I know people. He’s looking for us right now but also running into dead ends. But for the right price, anyone can be found.”
“A bounty.”
Adam nodded once. “Then there’s the more direct route…”
Ezra slid a look to me. “Go after his money, particularly what he has in Em’s name.”
I’d already debated that. Although I didn’t want Hellspawn having to deal with him any more than necessary.
“If you don't want to go at him straight-on, we can put together the legal paperwork to make it possible for me—”
“Fuck no,” I said to Adam, not even letting him finish that thought. “You asked her to marry you, and she said no. Let that go.”
“Technically,” Ezra said. “She didn’t say anything.”
I wasn’t the only one glaring at him. “What is up with you?”
“Nothing,” Ezra said, folding his arms. Then as if to debunk that particular answer, he said, “We’ve been in a holding pattern for a while, and King went quiet.”
King. Nottheking, just king. Julius King had a lot of explaining to do. But fuck, he had been quiet since that rather colorful dinner.
“I still can’t believe we finally have a name for that asshole, and there’s literallynothingout there on him.” Adam’s frustration echoed my own.
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I slid the card into my back pocket and sighed. With all the chaos, I hadn’t genuinely given two shits about King or his plans. The fact he went quiet worked in my favor.