Page 11 of Too Hot to Hold
Thankfully, the conversation shifted to the others. Teddy passed around pictures of his little boy, and Jake extolled the virtues of a week in Ibiza, where he’d met an amazing Spaniard with incredible eyes and a body to drool over. He sounded sad that he’d had to leave him behind.
“Are you staying in touch?” David asked.
“Marco is planning to come visit in a few months,” he answered coyly. “He thought about flying in so he could go to Disney World and then drive up to see me. I explained how far it was, so he’s going to just come here.” He seemed excited, and David was happy for him. Apparently, Marco’s family was from Barcelona and had a hand in the work on the Sagrada Familia basilica.
Clive wasn’t seeing anyone at the moment. His last relationship had lasted five years, and he seemed to enjoy being a free man again.
Once they were done with dinner, they paid the bill and headed out to one of the dance clubs. David paid their entrance fee, and they went inside. The place was packed to the gills, and the tiny dance floor rocked from one end to the other. There was barely any room to move, which was okay as far as David was concerned. Guys moved in and out of his sphere, but he didn’t make a play for any of them. Teddy mostly sat on the sidelines and watched tonight. David kept an eye on him and was grateful when he seemed to switch to soda. At least he wasn’t going to be falling-down drunk like he had been the last time they’d all gone out.
A guy danced up right behind him, and David closed his eyes for a second, letting his thoughts of Teddy go for a second until the guy lost his rhythm. David moved away before turning, glad to put some distance between him and the flailing that seemed to be happening. The guy was so intent and into his dancing, he didn’t seem to notice the others moving away, probably out of fear for their limbs.
“I think I’ve had enough,” Jake said as he tugged David away from the line of fire and over to where Teddy had managed to snag a table. Clive joined them. “Let’s get out of here.”
David figured that was best, and the four of them headed for the door and out into the night. Thankfully, the extremely cold weather had abated, and there wasn’t much wind. “Where to next?”
“We could just go to a bar,” Teddy offered. “There are lots of them. You could pick up guys there.”
“And you could drink until you can’t stand up,” Jake interjected. “No thanks. The last time you did that, I ended up holding you while you threw up everything except your shoes and then handing you over to your husband, who gave me the stink eye.” Jake headed down the street at a good clip, like he knew where he wanted to go. David thought of trying to stop him, but it would only draw more attention.
“Come on… strippers?” Clive asked.
“Giles will kill me,” Teddy groused.
“Oh, come on. It will be fun, and this isn’t strippers. It’s gay burlesque. They don’t get naked. I went here a few years ago, and it was a lot of fun.” He hurried up and paid their entrances before David could protest. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see Noel again or that he was ashamed that he knew him. The guys would understand his fascination, he was pretty sure. “Let’s go.” Jake went inside, and Teddy followed, probably because he could get a drink. Clive huffed, and David went in last.
They got a table in the middle of the room. The glittery curtain was closed, and the shirtless servers made their way through the room, getting drinks and providing a little eye candy before the show began.
“Get me a drink,” Teddy asked as he headed toward the restroom.
David sat down, watching the stage while Clive placed orders and got them some chips and snacks, which he set right at Teddy’s empty place.
Teddy returned, and David grew more nervous as the emcee stepped out the side to introduce the first performer, Jesse the Elf. He laughed at his antics and the candy canes on his butt cheeks once he got down to his G-string and jingle bells.
“I told you this was fun.”
David tensed as Noel was introduced, but instead of the hipster, he came out as a prince. The dance was different, captivating, and David couldn’t look away for a second. Each movement was so fluid and graceful. He did look regal, even once his shirt had been twirled away and all that adorned his smooth, glowing chest was a heavy gold-colored prop pendant.
“David,” Clive said from next to him, and he nodded, but didn’t look away. He couldn’t, not for a moment. Noel danced around the stage in tight black pants. Then he leapt through the air, landing beautifully right in front of the stage.
David knew the moment Noel saw him. He paused just a second, his lips curling upward briefly. David wanted to wave, but he could only watch as Noel’s foot slid forward. In an instant, he could see what was happening. Noel seemed to regain his footing, but it was only temporary.
Before he could think about it, David was on his feet, hurrying to the stage. Noel stepped again, and this time he caught the very front of the stage. His feet slipped off, and Noel tipped forward. David crossed the remaining distance in a split second, putting out his arms, and before he knew it, they were full of Noel. David came to a stop at the edge of the stage, his arms holding tight to Noel, who looked up at him in surprise.
“Are you okay?” David asked, tightening his hold just a little. Noel was bare-chested, his tear-away pants were partially open, pant legs hanging down, but they were still fastened at the waist. “You aren’t hurt?”
Noel blinked a few times and put his arms around David’s neck. “No, I think I’m okay.” He seemed a little shocked and out of it. “I think you can put me down now.”
David smiled. “I know. But what if I don’t want to.” He was aware that the rest of the room was watching them. Then they burst into applause, and Noel buried his face against David’s chest.
“I feel like a fool.”
A few guys patted David on the back, and he realized they were applauding his catch, rather than Noel’s misstep. “You know, if you wanted me to hold you, all you needed to do was ask. You didn’t need to fall off the stage.” Noel lifted his head and smiled slightly. “I’m sorry if I distracted you.” David realized he couldn’t hold Noel forever and set him down on his feet.
“Thank you,” Noel said, and then he was gone, hurrying backstage. David went back to the table, sat down, and released tensed muscles he hadn’t known he’d been holding since the moment he realized what had been about to happen.
“That was some catch,” Teddy said, holding up his glass. “Was he as hot to hold as he looked?”
“Smartass,” David sniped at him, and Teddy sipped from his glass. The next act was introduced, and thankfully, Teddy’s attention was diverted.