Page 16 of Too Hot to Hold

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Page 16 of Too Hot to Hold

David chuckled softly. “Not that I know of. It’s just that I’m only used to having Oscar in bed with me, and he’s a real bed hog. That cat believes that the bed is his, and if you lie in a spot he wanted, he thinks nothing of applying claws, especially to sensitive parts.”

Noel rolled his eyes and shifted a little closer. “Thanks for the warning.” He snuggled down and was finally able to get comfortable. Maybe it was the endorphins masking the injury, but he was tired and his muscles relaxed. “It’s been a while since I’ve slept with someone too. But then, that shouldn’t be a surprise. You saw how big my bed is. The only way to sleep with someone is stacked, and while that works for sex, it’s too lumpy for sleeping.” Noel patted David’s arm as it closed around him. “I always used to wonder if there was something wrong with me. I could never keep a boyfriend for very long.”

“And I seem to only attract users and losers.” David sighed. “You know, I’m really starting to think that maybe my luck is changing.”

Noel would like to think that was the case for both of them, but it was way too soon for him to count his chickens. “How about we take things one step at a time and don’t do anything to jinx things?” He rolled over to face David. “I used to think that there wasn’t someone out there for me. That I was going to be alone. I mean, maybe I’m just one of those people who is destined to go through life as a single.”

“And maybe you just needed to meet the right person.” David stroked his cheek gently. “You’re way too young for that kind of attitude. Heck, we both are. So yeah, you’re right—we’ll see what happens.” David leaned forward and kissed him.

It truly was too early either of them to look too far ahead, but damn, Noel could almost see a future, and that was frightening. He could imagine sleeping in this bed next to David and waking up to him in the morning. That was too scary, because every time he let himself see any kind of future, it had a tendency to be ripped away in the most painful way possible.

David slipped his hand into Noel’s, and he closed his eyes, pushing his worries away… at least for the night.


David washappy, truly happy, for the first time in quite a while, and it had nothing to do with the way Noel looked in the throes of passion or the sounds that he made. Sex was secondary to the way Noel made him feel just sleeping next to him. David had slept well, even though he hadn’t wanted to miss a minute of Noel in his arms. That first night, in the limousine, the most amazingly wicked erotic thoughts had gone through his mind the entire short ride to Noel’s corner, all of it driven by Noel’s slightly sweet and woodsy scent. And right now, Noel lay pressed against him, that scent driving him nearly mad. All he wanted to do was roll Noel over and love him wide awake.

Noel nestled closer, and David smiled to himself, closing his eyes once again and trying not to press his erection against Noel, otherwise the temptation to rock his hips was just too damned much.

Oscar jumped onto the bed and pranced over the covers and David’s legs before making his way up to David’s face, where His Majesty voiced his displeasure at not having been fed yet. He petted the cat, wondering if he could get him to settle down for a little while longer.

A door opened and closed downstairs. David stilled for a second. There was definitely someone in the house. “David,” his father called up the stairs, and he groaned and slipped out of bed, grabbing his robe. The familiar creak of the fourth step told him his father was on his way up. David pulled on his robe and quietly left the room, closing the bedroom door as his father stood outside the guest room.

“What are you doing here?” David asked, pulling his robe a little tighter around him. “And at this time of the morning?”

His father’s eyes blazed. “Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen.” His father would have made a great drill sergeant. He loved issuing orders and expected everyone to jump when he did.

David was curious and returned to his room. Oscar ran out as soon as he opened the door, and David quietly pulled on a shirt and sweatpants. He couldn’t help watching Noel for a few seconds as he slept. Then he left, leaving the door open slightly for air movement. He went down to see what had his father’s underwear in a bunch now.

“What is it? Did someone ask you a question about LGBTQ people that you didn’t understand?” He got some coffee started.

“No. Last night was productive. It was what I found in my inbox this morning that nearly made me sick.” He pushed his phone down the counter, and David picked it up. “You made quite a spectacle of yourself last night.” His father shook his head. “It seems you were at some club and caught a stripper as he fell off the stage. He was probably drunk, and now every news outlet in the city is running that video and talking about you.” David pushed the phone back as it started to ring. “There. More calls from donors and God knows who.” His face was red, and David’s normally rather-collected father seemed like he was ready to explode.

“I was there with the guys and saw that Noel was going to fall, so I caught him. It’s a good thing, Dad. It was kind.”

“Fuck kindness. This is politics. No one gives a shit about being kind. They’re all concerned with the optics and how it looks, and if you think my son in a gay strip club is going to help me get elected….”

David sat down on the stool across from his father. “First thing, it’s burlesque, not a strip club, and no one gets naked. Secondly, I did what I would do for anyone who needed my help. As for the optics, I really couldn’t care less.” He poured himself a mug of coffee and offered some to his father, who shook his head.

“Bullshit. This affects all of us. Rachel is angry, and now I’m going to spend the next week trying to explain why you were in a place like that in the first place.” He stood and yanked on his coat. “Why in the hell couldn’t you be one of those good gay people?”

David tipped the stool over, he got up so fast. “And what are those? The ones who follow six feet behind people like you? The ones who keep quiet and don’t make any waves?” David shook his head as he went to open the door.

“David,” his father snapped, using the same tone he had when David had taken his Porsche for a joyride a week after getting his license. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that the guest room bed was messed up and that none of your friends are here. Whoever you had sleep over, I want you to get rid of them and make damned sure they aren’t seen. It’s bad enough you being filmed in that club, but if you brought someone home from that place….” He huffed, a hand on the kitchen counter like he was steadying himself through his rage.

David blinked as he saw his father through fresh eyes. He had always thought of his father as someone who might have been willing to play the game of politics, but that underneath all that was someone who really cared. David always saw the man who raised him as someone with a heart, but he was wrong. So wrong. David stared at the back door and wondered how he could have been so blind all these years. How could he have not seen who his father really was? Yes, his dad could be ruthless when it came to business, but David never doubted that his father loved and cared for him. But did he really? His father would rather David put aside some basic decency and goodness in helping someone because of political optics. Play along, that was all that counted. His own son’s feelings had nothing to do with it.

“How are we going to fix this mess you made?” His father continued going on as David stood still, in a bit of shock. “My campaign people will be in touch. We need to get in front of this and fast.”

David finally opened the door, pressed his father outside, and closed it behind him, knowing if he said anything, then he’d end up screaming, and with his luck, that would end up on the damned news as well.

He poured a second mug of coffee and turned, intending to take it up to Noel, but found him standing at the base of the stairs.

“I take it you heard that,” David said, extending a mug to Noel. “How did you get down here?”

“The swelling is down, and I can put some weight on it.”

David righted the stool and pulled one out for Noel. He sat down just as the back door opened, and David’s father barreled inside again.

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