Page 7 of Too Hot to Hold
“What? A questionable action by the department that could very well be illegal?” He motioned, and one of the officers removed Frankie’s handcuffs. “Excellent. I will be contacting the superintendent of police so he can sort out this mess.” David motioned to the door, and three now very subdued officers left the club, the door closing behind them.
“Thank you,” Frankie said once they were gone.
David nodded. “You’re welcome. I’m assuming I didn’t get here in time to save your evening, but at least I saved you all a trip to the station.”
“How did you know all that stuff?” Noel asked.
David met his gaze, and Noel wanted to swim in those eyes. “The department has a certain reputation when it comes to the LGBTQ community, and I used that to my advantage. They tend to overreact to certain kinds of complaints. Bias exists everywhere.” David slowly put on his coat once more.
“Will you really do all that stuff you said?” Noel asked in a bit of a hero daze. “For us?” He was so used to being stepped on.
David nodded. “Now, please excuse me. I have to return to a dinner with my father and stepmother that I’m expected for, and they’re probably going to be angry.” He paused right in front of Noel. “You did the right thing by messaging me.” He smiled, and Noel nodded his thanks, and then David was out the door, which banged closed behind him.
All the guys started talking at once.
“That was the guy who took you home?” Jesse asked.
Hunter fanned himself. “Jesus. And he just took you to dinner? If he asked me out, I’d give the guy anything he wanted.”
“That’s enough, boys. Noel’s friend saved us all from a very unpleasant evening. I suggest you all change and then go home. We’ll reopen tomorrow night, and Noel, do you think you could shift your act from the hipster to a Prince Charming? Come up with something a little new?”
“Yes. Because we all need a Prince Charming,” Noel agreed. He knew he could put something together. Maybe take a few moves from the production ofSwan Lakehe had danced in years ago.
“That’s very true. Now, all of you change and get ready to leave. I’ll close up after you.” He left their dressing area, and Noel dressed in his street clothes before going to find Frankie out front, sitting at the bar with a glass of whiskey.
“Everything is going to be okay.”
“I sure as hell hope so.” Frankie downed the liquor before seeing him out, locking the doors behind all of them. It was still early, and Noel wondered what he was going to do.
“Let’s go dancing,” Jesse offered. “Dance, Dance, Dance is down the street. We could make quite a show.”
“How about we go to the diner down the street and have pancakes?” Dean offered.
“And get fat?” Jesse countered.
“You are not going to put on weight with one plate of pancakes,” Noel snapped at him. “Let’s go drown our sorrows in some bacon and maple syrup.” He headed that way, and the others followed.
They took a seat toward the back of the diner near one of the windows. Snow began falling once again, this time with light and fluffy flakes that fluttered toward the ground. The server bustled over, handing out huge menus that detailed everything from burgers to breakfast. Each of the guys ordered a Diet Coke as they looked over the menu.
“I heard that Frankie is thinking of closing up,” Dean said as he leaned over the table like he was sharing some secret.
Rafe shook his head. He’d been quiet for most of the time. “I doubt that. Frankie does pretty well, I think, and he knows what he’s doing. The place is packed on the weekends, and during the week, it’s open as a bar and gathering place.”
Noel shrugged. “It’s not that. It’s shit like tonight. He makes money, but he lost everything from tonight, just like we did. And you know that was the whole idea. Shut the place down so none of us can make anything, and then Frankie will eventually close, and the prudes will win just like they always do.” He harrumphed into his menu, knowing what he wanted, so he set it on the table, watching the snow and the cars as they passed.
“Hey…,” Rafe called out to a guy walking past their table, positioning himself like he was on display, with a cocky smile.
Dean smacked him on the shoulder. “What do you think you’re doing?” He narrowed his gaze. “You doing some sales on the side while you were gone?”
“No,” Rafe said, but Noel knew he was lying. Rafe had a history, and Noel was pretty sure none of the other guys believed him either.
“Frankie will can your hard ass if he finds out,” Jesse warned. “You know the rules.”
“I never cruise at the club,” Rafe defended, but he must have known he was on thin ice. “Besides, who’s going to tell him.”
“I will.” Noel wasn’t afraid of him. “The only way we stay open is if the club is clean. Then we can all dance and get paid, and no one ends up in jail.” He had just two more years and then he’d have his degree, and hopefully he could find a job that didn’t involve him standing mostly naked in front of a room full of guys. Not that he was ashamed of what he did, but he wanted more out of life, and he was working hard to get it. “You put us all in danger… and remember, I saved all our butts tonight.”
“You mean your Prince Charming did,” Jesse said, turning to look out the window. “And speaking of the hunk who came to our rescue….” He batted his eyes. He pointed out the window where a limousine stood right out front.