Page 3 of The Baby Contract
Off to a great start, Claire.
Then one of them scribbles a number down on a napkin and hands it to me, along with the nameGray.
I take the napkin with a grateful smile and thank the workers before returning to my own booth.
My heart is racing with the possibilities of finally getting the help I need. As I finish my meal and gather my things, I can't shake the idea of Gray out of my head. Who is this guy? What makes him such a genius? Why were they soweirdabout him?
And most importantly, will he be able to help me fix my cabin?
He'd better, after that excruciating interaction.
I leave the Snowcap Diner with a newfound sense of hope and purpose. As I make my way back to my car, I pull out the napkin and stare at the number written on it. I take a deep breath and dial the number.
After a few rings, a deep voice answers - a voice that sends a shiver down my spine.
I'd be lying if I said he didn't sound hot. His voice is deep and gravelly and it immediately sends a shiver down my spine.
"Gray speaking."
Get it together, Claire. This is abusinesstransaction.
I clear my throat, "Hi, my name is Claire Sawyer. I got your number from some construction workers at the Snowcap Diner. They said you're a genius with a hammer and nails and I could really use your help with my cabin."
His voice rumbles on the other end of the line. "Where's it at?"
"Fern Hollow," I say. "Just up 244, out by the waterfall?"
"Oh shit," he says, a smile in his voice. "You must be Dave Sawyer's little girl, huh?"
He knew Grandpa? I freeze in the middle of the street, considering this weird twist of fate.
Someone honks.
I stumble out of the way.
"You okay?" he asks.
"Yeah," I breathe. "Sorry—I just didn't know Grandpa had any friends. He was always a bit of a recluse."
"Well, so am I," Gray says. "Used to run into him sometimes fishing on Echo Lake out by the waterfall. He was a good guy."
I bite my lip, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Yeah...he was."
"Well, I can come out and take a look at your cabin tomorrow," Gray says. "Just finishing up a job tonight, then I'll be back in Fern Hollow tomorrow."
"You're local?"
"As of a couple years ago, yeah," he says. "Say...noon? Will you be around?"
I nod, even though he can't see me.
"Yeah," I say. "It's a date."
The other line goes dead. My heart pounds. I wonder if I've taken a step too far, especially when he just said he's a bit of a recluse...
...but he laughs quietly.
"Yeah," he says. "It's a date. See you at noon."