Page 14 of The Sheriff's Omega
Mack had managed to help Roe’s family so much in such a short time. Tris was looking forward to college again, and Daphne and Benji both had wonderful best friends. The man made Roe feel something that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Bravery. He wanted Mack as his own.Hispartner,hislover,hisfriend.
Roe took a long breath and slowly released it, easing his panic. The idea of trusting someone with his heart again was frightening.
“Uh, is this a bad time?” Harper asked from the door with Wally looming behind him.
Roe slammed his sketchbook shut and stumbled to his feet. “Hey. I didn’t know you were coming by today.”
“My husband wanted to meet—”
“Hi,” a man said, pushing past Wally and Harper. “I’m Grey, Harper’s omega.”
Grey was a cute young man with golden-brown skin and green eyes. “Our kids are with my abuela, so a few of my friends are getting together at Honey Buns. Harper said your kids are all with friends right now, so you can come.”
“Um,” Roe searched for a way to politely decline. Daphne and Birdie had gone to a movie, Tris was shopping for his dorm room with Gramps, and Benji was at Min’s house. Roe really needed to work out the mess in his head. Usually, that meant jogging or escaping into his art. He couldn’t jog with his ankle, and he’d already filled one sketchpad up with pictures of Mack. Plus, he hadn’t been out of the house in over two weeks.
Grey bounced on the tips of his feet. “Zoe makes the absolute best donuts. You really need to try them.”
“Donuts, huh?” Roe thought for a moment. “With chocolate frosting?”
“Of course.”
“Okay.” Roe patted his pockets. “I’ll grab my wallet.”
“Maybe change your shirt,” Wally suggested.
Roe looked down. He’d worn this T-shirt for the past three days, and you could tell. Paint and glue stained it, and it had its ownuniqueodor.
“Good idea.” He headed toward the stairs.
“Maybe take a shower,” Grey said, following him. “I’ll play with those guinea pigs while I wait. They are so cute.”
Fergie followed Roe upstairs and watched over him as he showered, dressed, and pulled on loose cargo shorts and his old Savannah College of Art and Design T-shirt with SCAD in big letters below their mascot, a bee.
By the time he was back downstairs, Roe was feeling a little more human. Grey set Carrot back down, and Fergie went to check that his guinea pigs were alright.
“Where did Harper go?” Roe asked. Wally stood at the window, but he didn’t see Harper anywhere.
“He had some errands to run.” Grey stood and linked his arm in Roe’s. “Do you want to walk? You’re wearing a boot, but it’s just a couple of blocks.”
“That would be nice.” Roe looked at Wally uncertainly. He didn’t know the protocol for bringing your bodyguard/friend along on an outing.
“Oh, Wally here is good to go,” Grey said, smiling at the large man. “My friends will like him too, and we may share some donuts with him.”
“Maybe,” Roe agreed, fighting a smile.
“We can bring Fergie, too,” Wally said. “The kids say there are outdoor tables.”
Fergie ran over, his nubby tail wagging, when he heard his name. A few minutes later, they were out the door.
It was warm but not nearly as sweltering as Roe was used to. The town was cute; it had large green trees, flowering shrubs, and neat sidewalks. Mack’s neighborhood of family homes transitioned into lovely townhouses a block over.
“That’s Abuela’s house,” Grey said, pointing at a bright-blue door. “She’s basically everyone’s abuela, so if you need a babysitter, just ask. She loves kids and is basically a daycare. Oh, that’s where Jackson and Juan live.” He pointed at the house next to his abuela’s. “Jackson is Min’s older brother. He spends a lot of time there, and since he’s now besties with your youngest, you’ll probably find your way there soon.”
They walked slowly, and Grey pointed out the sights along the way: the post office, the best store for fresh produce, and the open lot where the farmers’ market gathered on weekends.
By the time they reached Honey Buns, Roe felt like he’d lived there forever.
The bakery was cute with bright designs on the front window and iron patio tables out front with colorful umbrellas. Two tables were pushed together to seat a group of five with a few more empty seats.