Page 6 of My Mafia Beast
At one point, she started thrusting her hips into me while I pounded her. That made me want to climax sooner than expected. She wrapped her hands around the back of my head while this happened. We also had this moment where we locked eyes, and I swear, the rest of the world around me no longer mattered. I watched her eyes close. I watched her face grimace with pleasure.
" I'm coming." She whispered.
I smiled. But I couldn't allow myself to finish. Suddenly, after pleasing her, the gravity of the situation hit me. What we did was wrong. What I did was out of line. It would cost me my future. It could put a lot of people in trouble. And it could bring too much controversy to the leading company that provides brick ovens to the entire country. I didn't need that smoke.
" I have to stop." I pulled my dick out of her, and she was too busy gathering herself to care about what I had just said. I was sure that it would hit her at some moment. But then that one, I just needed to get myself together. I pulled my pants up as she dressed and tried to make myself look like I hadn't screwed my assistant in the office.
" You didn't want to finish?" She asked me.
" What we did was wrong, Angelina. It was inappropriate."
" Did you at least enjoy it?"
I laughed. " Of course I did. I don't regret it. Okay. I just don't want to talk about it. I'm the CEO of this company. This could get me in a lot of hot water."
" Aren't you a–" she stopped herself from saying what I assumed to be a mafia boss comment. I liked that she caught herself. " Never mind. I guess I'm going to continue working here."
That made me laugh. " Yeah, I think you should keep being my assistant. Especially if this happens after lunch every day."
She giggled. " I don't think so. You just said what we did was wrong."
" That didn't mean that I didn't enjoy it."
For the rest of the day, she and I were copacetic. We were way better than before lunch. No surprise there. The only thing that ruined my day in the second half was getting a text from my father. The other night he had warned me of business. I was his reason for coming by. He didn't go into much detail other than that. I looked at it as a courtesy. It was the proper thing to do when something was about to hit the fan. But now, with him saying that we needed to meet after work, I knew there were no more warnings. It was simply me going to have to face whatever music was being brought my way.
As I went home that day, I couldn't even begin to guess what it could be. The world that I lived in outside of my actual business, it was an unpredictable roller coaster. It was almost like being on a roller coaster for the first time but every day. There was no getting close to predicting what was going to come next.
So I went home that day, missing Angelina. I didn't want the day to end. I wanted the workday to drag on and on. Because, sure, there were perks of having power. I was untouchable in my life. But that didn't come without its downfalls. The constant fear of death. The target on my back. It was a completely ironic thing because you had all this power. You lived in a mansion. You had fancy dinners and nice suits. But you couldn't truly enjoy any of it because you were forced to live in fear the entire time. You were forced to acknowledge the fact that you have borrowed time. And the thing about borrowed time is you don't know how much you borrowed. It could be a lot, or it could be a little. I mean, maybe everyone lived like that. You could be on the train, and that train could derail. You could be on a plane, and that plane could crash. You can get into a car accident while I'm driving a mile from your house. I wasn't special. But I knew where my circumstance was. And that was something that Angelina could never understand. Which is why I kind of regret what happened in the office. Because I never wanted to pull a woman into my world. Given the fact that she had to work with me every day, it wasn't like just having a one-night stand with some woman. There were consequences and repercussions.
When I got home, the place felt emptier than usual. Uneventful would probably be a better term. Nothing was happening for once in my life. My house was boring. And this was because I was comparing it to work. Work had this level of unpredictableness that my home didn't. No sexy woman was going to pop out of my closet and have sex with me in my bedroom. No sexy woman. Who’s going to have witty banter with me. Or provide me with a conversation that would keep me on my toes. Instead, I had to look forward to my father coming over with whatever news he had. How did I get here? How the hell did I get here? I usually have myself all composed and free of overwhelming desire. But now, when it came to Angelina. She changed everything. And this was problematic.
The doorbell rang like clockwork. A cloud of dread hovered over me. My feet were almost dragging on the floor because of how much I didn't want to answer that door and deal with mafia business. It was crazy how a pretty woman could get you to change your tune altogether in a way.
I opened the door, and there was my gray-haired father. He looked like he had gotten shorter since the last time I had seen him. Age was not good for the man. It made me fear my own mortality. If I didn't know better, I would think he was a turtle because of the flabby skin hanging from his neck. " Hello, Dad. Find the place, okay?"
He chuckled. " I'm not dead yet. Neither is my memory. I got news for you. It's big news. Stuff that can change everything."
I shut the door and stupidly tried to imagine what it could be. I had been doing that ever since learning that this was going to happen. " Well, you won't tell me over the phone. You won't tell me through text. You've been keeping me on the edge of my seat for days now. Just spill it. Dad."
" Pour me a damn drink first."
What the hell was he about to tell me. Was it bad? Why did he need a drink before telling me this?
I did get him a glass of whiskey, and he took one sip before saying, "Vincenzo's family is expecting you to marry Linda. This way, both families get combined. You know. Linda."
" Yeah, Albert's daughter. The head of the damn family. I've known her for years. I'm not marrying her. This is ridiculous. Do we do arranged marriages now? Get out of here." I had to pour myself a glass of whiskey after that news. It was one of the most ridiculous things I had ever heard.
I could hear my father letting out the world's biggest sigh behind me as he followed me to my liquor cabinet. " Why didn't I know you were going to be a little girl about this? Why do you always have to be complicated? Who are you going to marry, huh? Would you have this picturesque white picket fence life ahead of you? This is an opportunity to combine both families to have more power than you ever dreamed of, and you're going to toss it up because you don't like her."
I turned around fast and snapped. " I'm not marrying Linda. I didn't get into this life so I could be told who I was going to marry and sleep next to for the rest of my life. What are you crazy about?"
Even though I had filled my glass up, I downed it in one sip. I couldn't remember the last time I had been so worked up over work. Usually, things had become routine in the mafia life. It was much like a day job, in the way. Of course, every now and then, you would have your crazy crap that would pop off like this, but nothing like this, actually.
My father's face lost all expression. He looked much like a dog who had his food taken away. But I had seen that face before, and it was one where he had to tell me something he wished he didn't. It was like when my mother died. I remembered his face vividly. He had no desire to tell me she was no longer with us. That her heart just suddenly gave out. Ironically enough, that day was when mine gave out too. Maybe not in a physical sense, but whatever. It was all the more reason I was not going to marry this woman.
" Tomaso, maybe I should rephrase how this is going to go. They're not asking, okay. They're expecting. And when you let down a family like that, they take offense to it."
I let out one of those sarcastic laughs. Because I was so sick of hearing this conversation. " Oh, so what? They're going to get snubbed and take offense to the fact that I don't want to marry a woman I don't care for? This is going to start a war?"