Page 47 of Moth to a Flame
Zeus was punching Sam the football player in the face over and over again. I could hear the sickening noise of flesh against flesh. Tina Turner was hovering over me, pulling a blanket to cover my body. Ike Turner was yanking Zeus off Sam the football player. Zeus was covered in blood and looking over at me with tears in his eyes.
I was drunk and in shock. Everything went black.
When I slowly came to, I realized that I was in Cale’s arms. His chest was bare and he was splattered with blood.
“What kind of costume is this?” I asked him, still dazed.
“Shh, honey. Don’t talk. You’re in shock right now. Did he hurt you?” he mumbled as a tear fell down his cheek.
Why is he crying? I am so confused.
And then, like a ton of bricks crashing down on me, I remembered. Sam had just attempted to rape me and gotten really close. Had Cale not come in at that exact moment, it would have been done. Comprehending the gravity of it all, I started to bawl my eyes out.
Cale just stroked my hair, saying, “It’s okay now,” over and over as he repeatedly kissed my face.
We hadn’t been sitting there for long when I heard a voice say, “Ma’am, we’d like to take your statement now.” It was an officer.
“Where is he?” I questioned with my eyes still buried in Cale’s chest. I was terrified of seeing Sam again.
“We have him in custody at the moment. An EMT is checking over his injuries right now. No worries though, ma’am. They’re outside,” he assured me.
I sat up to look at the young officer. Being that it was Halloween and he was clearly new to the job, it almost appeared as if he’d dressed up as a cop. Cale wrapped his arms around me protectively. Anj sidled up next to me and put her hand on my leg to comfort me.
After tearfully explaining to the officer the entire ordeal from the date last week to tonight’s attempted rape, I began to nod off sleepily. Cale pulled me closer and finished answering questions before the officer finally left.
“Cale, hon, you and Lia should stay here tonight. She looks in no shape to travel anywhere,” Anj told him.
Before he could answer her, I spoke up. “No, please. Cale, please take me back to your house. I can’t stay here!” I shrieked, feeling a panic attack forming at the thought of sleeping in the same bedroom I was almost raped in.
Cale stood up and brought me to my feet in front of him. “I’ll take her home.”
Anj and Deion exchanged sad glances but finally both nodded in agreement. As we left the room and passed through the house, I realized that everyone had gone home. I’d effectively ruined their party with my drama.
I felt numb as Cale helped me into the truck. Staring out the window, I kept thinking over and over about what had almost happened. I began to sob again because I was utterly horrified of the fact that Sam had almost fully taken advantage of me. Thank God he was finally in custody. He could rot in hell for all I cared.
WHILE I DROVE back to my place, I occasionally looked over at Lia. She was staring out the truck window, tears rolling down her face. I squeezed her hand and pulled it into my lap. She looked like a goddess that just came from battle. Her black makeup had run down her face. The red lipstick she was wearing was smeared over onto her cheek, where the motherfucker had tried to keep her mouth shut.
Just thinking of the events from tonight had my blood boiling. I had just made a drink tonight when someone started asking me what I had dressed as. We’d been having a friendly conversation before I excused myself, eager to get to my goddess. When I got to the bedroom and heard her tearful whimpers through the door, I just knew he’d finally found her. The moment I realized it was him on the other side of the door with my Lia, I lost it and broke the damn door down trying to get to her.
When I burst in and saw him holding her down with his pants at his ankles, I went crazy. I ripped him off her and pounded my fists into his face over and over again. He was going to fucking die by my hands. I would have smashed his face into a bloody fucking pulp, but Deion and another guy yanked me off of him. They dragged the asshole out of the room while I went to Lia. The shock had caused her to pass out, and I’d been sick with worry.
Now that we were driving home, I was still worried. The asshole would be going to jail, but it didn’t change the fact that Lia had been assaulted and was borderline catatonic. I hoped that, when I got her home and showered, she would begin to pull out of this state she was in.