Page 126 of The Rules of Dating My Best Friend's Sister
Holden’s eyes bulged when he saw what I saw.
“What’s the practice name again?”
“Resnick, Yanez, and Nussbaum.”
RYAN was printed on the bottom of every page.
“Holy shit,” Holden said. “I guess he’s okay with it after all.”
My eyes filled with tears. “And I guess we have our baby’s name, if it’s a boy.”
Six Months Later
The sterile smell of the hospital waiting area hit me. I’d just walked out of Lala’s room when I spotted Colby approaching. He was wearing an infant carrier. And following him was his entire family.
I held my hand up. “Hey, Lennons. What’s up?”
I’d known Colby and the guys planned to visit tonight but was surprised to see Billie, Saylor, and the baby, too.
Billie reached out to hug me. “We didn’t have a sitter, but I had to come anyway.”
“I’m glad you did.” I kissed her on the cheek.
“How is Lala?” Colby asked.
“She’s good.” I looked behind me at the door to her room. “But they’re both sleeping.”
“Oh no.” Billie’s smile faded. “So this is a bad time?”
“Pretty sure they’ll wake up soon if you don’t mind hanging out for a little bit.”
“We can wait!” Saylor said as she hopped excitedly. “I want to see the baby!”
“Cool.” I ruffled her hair. “It seems like just yesterday you were the baby.”
We all moved to the seating area, and I filled them in on Lala’s long labor, which had lasted over twenty-four hours until she gave birth this morning.
Brayden showed up a few moments later.
I turned to him. “Hey.”
We clasped hands.
“How is everyone?” he asked.
“Great. They’re sleeping, though.”
I hadn’t gotten much sleep myself over the past couple of days. But it didn’t matter. I was on cloud nine and didn’t want to miss a moment of my life right now.
“Why don’t I grab coffee?” Brayden patted me on the shoulder. “You look like you could use it.”
“Thanks, man. I could definitely go for some.”
After Brayden left, Owen emerged from the elevator and headed toward me.
“Congratulations, Daddy!” He smiled. “Why is everyone sitting out here?”
“Lala and the baby are sleeping. I’ll check on them in a minute and see if they’re awake.”
Owen nodded and exhaled. His tie was undone, and his hair was unruly. He looked a bit frazzled. I wondered if it had anything to do with things back at the building. When Lala went into labor, I’d had no choice but to put him in charge of things.
“Thanks for covering for me, by the way,” I said.
“You neglected to tell me about the smokeshow in 410.”
“Smokeshow?” I laughed. “The middle-aged lady with the crazy kids who drive you nuts?”
“No.” He shook his head. “The woman who answered the door was in her twenties.”
I scratched my chin in confusion. We’d had a number of run-ins with the teenagers we’d dubbed Frick and Frack. I’d been meaning to go over there and issue a warning to them after yet another series of disturbances and another missing rent payment right before Lala started having contractions. Owen had offered to handle it for me when she and I headed to the hospital.
“No one in their twenties lives there, Owen. It’s just that lady, Maureen, and her kids. You sure you didn’t go to the wrong apartment?”
“No, because Frick and Frack were there.” He sighed. “She’s gorgeous and has quite the mouth on her, too—a bit of a firecracker. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her.” He chuckled. “Especially after she slammed the door in my face.”
“Wow.” I laughed. “So she left an impression. I haven’t seen you react to a woman since… I can’t even remember.”
He shook his head. “You don’t understand. I didn’t think I’d ever see her again.”
I squinted. “Again?”
Owen looked behind his shoulder then lowered his voice. “A few nights ago, I’d had a hard day at work. I couldn’t relax, so I went to that bar down the street. I met her there. We both had too much to drink. I hadn’t wanted anyone like that in a long time. She wouldn’t tell me her name, which I thought was a little weird, but I went with it. We ended up at the hotel next door to the place and…” He sighed. “Best freaking sex of my life. But she snuck out before I could convince her to give me her name and number.”
My mouth fell open. “No shit?”
“So you can imagine my shock when she opened the door at 410 today.” He exhaled. “Anyway, she kicked me out before I had a chance to find out who she is or why she’s apparently living there.”
“What are you guys whispering about?” Brayden appeared, holding two coffees.
Owen glared at me. I assumed that meant Brayden didn’t know the story, and he was in no mood for our friend to bust his balls right now.
“The mystery woman in 410,” I simply answered.