Page 31 of The Rules of Dating My Best Friend's Sister
Holden flashed a crooked smile, and his eyes sparkled. “Sure.”
He finished with his makeshift bed and pointed to the lamp on the nightstand. “Can you hit that light next to you? I’d do it, but I don’t want you to feel guilty for checking me out again…”
My eyes widened. “I was not checking you out.”
He chuckled. “Whatever. Just turn off the light, Lala.”
I did, and we were both quiet for a few minutes.
“You know,” Holden said. “It’s okay to look at other people. It’s natural to appreciate the human body.”
“I wasn’t checking you out, you egomaniac. I’m not fourteen peeping through my bedroom window anymore.”
“Nope, you are definitely not fourteen anymore. You’re all grown up. Not a chance in hell I missed that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’re a beautiful woman, Lala. Any man who tells you he doesn’t notice is full of shit. Unlike you, I don’t feel guilty about it.”
“Maybe that’s because you’re not engaged.”
“Maybe, but I don’t think so. I think I’m just okay with looking. I mean, what do you do when you watch porn? Not look at the guy’s junk?”
“I don’t watch porn.”
Holden was quiet for a minute. “Like, ever?”
“Warren thinks it’s degrading to women.”
“Degrading to women?” His voice was terse now. “Not to men? Maybe you’re not aware since you don’t watch it, but men and women are naked in porn.”
Between seeing Holden’s half-naked body and talking about porn, I was growing hot and bothered. “Let’s change the subject or maybe just try to get some sleep.”
“Fine. Let’s sleep.”
But sleep was impossible. For the next half hour, I tossed and turned, and I heard Holden doing the same on the floor, which I felt bad about. Then there was a bang, followed by Holden groaning.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “Motherfucker.”
“What happened?”
“Nothing. I just rolled over and whacked the corner of the dresser with my shin.”
It didn’t occur to me until that moment that I was making one of my oldest friends sleep on the floor. I mean, I knew he was down there, but I hadn’t looked at it like that. Holden was like a brother to me, and I was being ridiculous.
“This is stupid, Holden. I’m sleeping in a king-size bed, and you’re on the gross hotel-room floor. There’s no reason we can’t share. We’ve been friends since we were kids.”
“It’s fine.”
I sat up. “No, it’s really not fine. And you know what? I did check you out before. I’m making you sleep on the floor because I think you’re attractive and have guilt over that. But you’re like my big brother, and that’s ridiculous. So get your butt up here.”
“You sure?”
I was all bold and righteous until Holden slipped under the covers. Then my body became acutely aware of just how close he was. He rolled onto his side so we were facing each other and tucked his hands under his cheek. I could see his eyes, even though it was dark.
“How was your weekend at home?” Holden spoke softly. “Do anything special?”
“Not really. Just hung out with Warren and my parents.”
“Where do you sleep when you go home?”
“I slept at Warren’s one night, but I stayed at my parents’ the next.”
“That’s right. You were in Ryan’s room when we were texting. But how come you slept at your parents’ on your last night?”
I shrugged. “I guess I just wanted to spend some time with my mom. And…Warren sort of sprung something on me last night, and I needed a little space to clear my head.”
“What did he spring on you?”
“He’s applying for a job in California. He wants us to move there.”
“What? Are you going to go?”
I sighed. “I don’t know that I have a choice. It’s his dream job.”
“But what about you, Lala? What have you always dreamed of?”
“I’m not sure I’ve had a lifelong dream like Warren has. He’s a cancer researcher because his mom died from cancer when he was only seven. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but it’s not the same. When I was seven, all I wanted to do was marry Beast from Beauty and the Beast.”
“Beast? Not the handsome dude he turns into at the end?”
“No, I actually had a big crush on Beast. I thought he was cute.” I laughed.
“Not surprising. You also used to dress up in your communion dress and make Ryan officiate your wedding to your stuffed sloth.”
I laughed. “I can’t believe you remember that.”
“Of course. And you stole that shark tooth necklace I used to wear to dress your sloth up for the wedding.”
I bit my lip. “You know why I did that?”
“Because I was pretending you were the sloth. I had the biggest crush on you back then, and I liked to pretend we were getting married.” I laughed, but Holden didn’t. His eyes were so damn serious.