Page 98 of The Rules of Dating My Best Friend's Sister
“Because I…” He stopped and cleared his throat. “Because I like you a lot.”
Adrenaline sparked through me. Was Holden about to say he loved me?
He pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. “Listen, sweetheart. Maybe I went too far trying to change things up this fast. But I really would like to try to shift the focus of our relationship, to show you I can be more to you than you think.”
“You are more to me than just sex.”
“Can you let me prove it to you? Do something for me?”
“Of course. What?”
“Let’s not have sex for the next two weeks.”
My eyes widened. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was astounded Holden would ever want to abstain that long, or because I wasn’t sure I could go that long myself. The man was more addicting than drugs.
“Really?” I said. “You mean no intercourse or no…everything?”
“How about we stick to kissing?”
I’d already made him feel like all he was good for was sex, so I couldn’t let on how disappointing the thought of two weeks without it sounded. So I forced a smile. “Sure. Of course. Whatever you want.”
Holden looked relieved. He leaned forward and gave me a tender, closed-mouth kiss. “Thank you.”
A minute later, he got up to serve dinner. The food he’d made was delicious, and after we ate, we snuggled together on the couch and watched an incredible movie he’d picked out. When I yawned, Holden kissed my shoulder.
“I’m gonna go. You should get some sleep.”
“You’re not going to stay?”
He sat up. “I think it’s better if I don’t.”
I pouted. “Okay.”
Holden rubbed his nose with mine. “You’re cute when you’re celibate.”
“I might turn hangry. Except the h is for horny instead of hungry.”
He laughed and stood, offering me his hand. “Come on. Walk me to the door so you can put the safety lock on.”
At the door, Holden gave me a peck on the lips.
“You said we could kiss. Can I at least get a real one?”
His lip twitched, but he hooked a hand around my neck and pulled me to him. Then hit me with a kiss so passionate, I blinked a few times when he let go.
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He smiled.
“Uhh… Yeah. Goodnight.”
After he was gone, I leaned my head against the closed door, still reeling from that kiss. It’s going to be a long-ass two weeks.
“Damn, to go without sex—by choice?” Owen took a bite of the apple he’d stolen from my fridge after stopping by on his way home from work the next evening.
Lala hadn’t gotten home yet, so I was killing time and entertaining my friend’s curiosity about my probably asinine decision.
“Can’t believe it was my idea.” I shook my head.
“Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.” He laughed. “I know one person who’d be happy about this, though.”
“Ryan. He’d be thrilled you’re keeping your hands off her.”
“You’re probably right.” I sighed. Owen had touched my sore spot. I swear, I had dreams about Ryan coming back to this life just to strangle me.
A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.
When I opened, Brayden stood there with a goofy smile on his face.
“What’s up, man?” I waved him in.
“This is just a welfare check. Owen texted me to get down here. He said he thought you might’ve lost your mind.”
“I haven’t lost it—yet.” I rolled my eyes. “Yet being the operative word.”
Brayden leaned against the counter. “What’s going on?”
Owen took it upon himself to answer. “He wants to prove that what he and Lala have isn’t driven solely by sex, so your boy here made a decision. He’s denying her the D for two fucking weeks.”
Brayden’s eyes widened. “Since when did Catalano grow up? I guess we’ve all been too busy to notice.” He chuckled. “But seriously… Withholding sex? Isn’t that going to be a little…challenging for you?”
“Believe me, even one day has been hard—on both of us. I think Lala’s taking it worse than I am.”
“It must be tough being wanted so badly for your body, huh?” Owen chided.
“I used to be just fine with that, dickhead. But not with this girl. It sounds sappy, but…” I cringed at the words about to exit my mouth. “I want her to like me for me.”
“Who are you, and what have you done with Holden?” Brayden joked.
“Lala certainly never had a lack of brainiac shit to talk about with her last boyfriend,” I said. “I want to stimulate her mind as much as I stimulate other parts.”
“What if you unexpectedly start to feel differently now that sex is removed from the equation?” Brayden asked.
I shook my head. “No way. Even when Lala and I weren’t having sex, I wanted to be around her twenty-four-seven. I love just talking to her, spending time with her. That’s what we do best—before we got sidetracked by the mind-blowing sex.”