Page 85 of A Little Taste
“He won’t give me another chance.”
“He will.”
“You don’t understand. He’s been hurt before. I didn’t think what I did was the same, but I guess from his side, it feels that way. He’ll never forgive me.”
“He might.” She gave me a little smile. “I think he’d be a fool not to.”
I hugged her, wishing she could be right.
Confiscating my mother’s gun turned my misery into anger. I almost let Doug do it himself, because I wasn’t sure I could see her without letting her have it.
In the end, I was a professional and did my job.
“What does Aiden Stone want with my gun?” she groused, unloading it and packing it in her case. “He’s wasting time as usual and leaving me unprotected.”
“He’s following procedure.” I couldn’t keep the edge out of my voice. “Hiding evidence makes you appear suspicious.”
“You think I killed Gary?” Her eyes flashed to me.
She pushed her hair over her shoulder, lifting her chin. “At least he hasn’t turned you against your family.”
“He’s actually not even speaking to me now. Happy?”
Silence fell around us, and when she answered, her tone actually sounded contrite. “No, I’m not happy if you’re sad. It’s possible Aiden might be good for you in some ways. At least he sounded good in one way.”
“That’s it. I’m leaving.” I picked up her gun and put it in my bag, starting for the door where Doug waited patiently, smiling like the conversation didn’t take an awkward turn.
“Waste all the time you want.” Mom followed me slowly to the door. “I’m doing my own research.”
My eyes blinked closed, and I was almost afraid to ask. “What does that mean?”
“It means I’ll find Stan, and when I do, I’ll make him confess he killed Lars and Gary, and I’ll make him tell me why he’s doing all this. That’ll show the arrogant Sheriff Stone.”
“You’re not to leave town, and if I find out you did, Iwilltell Aiden this time, and he’ll probably put you in jail.”
Holding up both hands, she turned towards the kitchen. “I heard. I’m not planning to leave town.”
“Then how are you going to get his confession?”
“I pulled out the spell book and did it the old-fashioned way.”
“You cast a spell.” A growl rumbled in my throat, and I couldn’t deal with her another minute.
I motioned to Doug, and we brought her gun to the station where not surprisingly, it wasn’t a match.
Now it’s Friday. A whole week has passed, and this separation, this intense regret has formed an aching pit in the center of my chest. My two besties organized an emergency intervention, armed with Ben & Jerry’s.
“You’re like the house at the end ofPoltergeist.” Piper sits at the other end of the couch, a pint of Chunky Monkey in her hand. “Where it all crumples together and disappears into thin air. That was sick.”
I push her with my foot. “You’re not helping.”
“Hang in there my sunny little BB.” Cass hugs my shoulders while holding a spoon of Cherry Garcia for me to nibble. “He’ll come around. You guys were too good together for him to ditch it over a misunderstanding.”
“It was more than that. He’s only said one word to me all week.”