Page 90 of A Little Taste
“What was that?” Adam sits across from me in a short-sleeved, navy V-neck sweater and jeans.
He has his own glass of bourbon, and he’s listening intently. I lower my hands to my lap, lacing my fingers together. Talking about my mom always makes me itchy and uncomfortable. I know how it sounds.
“My mom is kind of obsessed with my dad’s death, and she’s convinced what’s happening now is connected to it somehow.” Exhaling, I add under my breath. “She’s always convinced everything is connected to his death.”
Adam takes a sip of his drink, squinting one eye at me. “So what’s your predicament?”
“She said the reason I had to give her time was for my dad. She said she was so close this time.” Lifting my glass, I tilt the tumbler side to side. “Then she did this reading, and I totally fell for it. God, I’m so dumb.”
“For caring about your family?”
“For getting sucked into her crazy again. When I moved back, I insisted on getting my own apartment for that very reason. So I wouldn’t be inundated with her nonstop beliefs and suspicions twenty-four seven.”
“Maybe she’s right.”
I set the tumbler on the bar a little too forcefully. “Don’t do that.”
“Hey, I’m just playing devil’s advocate,” he laughs, and a deep dimple appears in his cheek.
It reminds me of how all the girls at school would follow him around like love-sick puppies. I never felt that way for Adam, but he’s definitely sexy and playful, and he has an understanding nature that could charm the panties off a nun.
Sitting straighter on the barstool, he slides both palms down his dark jeans. “I think he overreacted.”
Shaking my head, I disagree. “He’s been hurt before. I should’ve been more sensitive to his wounds.”
Adam’s brow furrows and he studies my face. “He told you about Annemarie?”
I nod, aching at how blind I’d been. Of course it’s where Aiden’s mind went.
“Wow.” Adam lifts the tumbler and takes a sip. “He does love you.”
My eyes slide closed, and I ache with wanting to believe it’s true. “He barely looks at me now.”
“He’s angry. He’s on the defense, but there’s a big difference in cheating on someone and holding back information for your family. He’ll come around.”
“I don’t know.” I study my hands, missing him so much.
“Listen, I’ve seen my brother in more than one romantic relationship, and he’s never been like he was with you. He was happy. Hell, he actually smiled and gave out compliments.”
“You make him sound so mean.”
“He was mean. He was a grumpy asshole until you.”
“He’s not an asshole!”
A warm smile curls his lips, and he reaches out to cup the side of my neck, placing his forehead to mine briefly. “You are so good for him. He’s going to get his head out of his ass. Just don’t give up on him, okay?”
I reach out and hug him back. “Thanks for making me feel better.”
“You’ve always been a good friend to me, and I think you’d make a great sister.”
That makes me smile, and real warmth soothes my insides. “I think you’d make a great brother.” Sliding off my chair, I check the large clock over the door. “I’d better head on back before it’s dark.”
“If you don’t mind hanging around while I clean up, I can drive you. That old beach cruiser will fit in the back of my Jetta.”
“Don’t you always have a surfboard in the back of your Jetta?” I wink at him, and he shakes his head.
“I took it out last weekend. It needs sanding and a fresh coat of wax.”