Page 96 of A Little Taste
He strides to the stairs, taking the plate as he descends quickly, slamming the door and locking it behind him. Gazing at the piece of toast in my hand, everything shifts. I have to make it out of this. I have to survive to tell what he did.
This time it really is for my dad.
“This just came through on my email.” Gwen charges into the courthouse, where we’ve assembled a full investigative team.
Edna is combing her network of magician friends to see if anyone has any information on Stan Roswell, the state troopers are combing the area for all vehicles on the distillery road the night Britt went missing, and the Beaufort deputies are combing their criminal database for information on Gary Blue that might lead to our suspect.
I’m on my feet, meeting Britt’s mother halfway and taking the computer printout from her hands. When I turn it over, it’s a punch to the gut. Britt’s face is in black and white, and she’s holding a copy of theEureka Gazettedated today.
“When did you get this?” My voice is hoarse.
“It was sent an hour ago from a Gmail address I don’t recognize. I suspect it’s a fake account.”
“Still, we can track it down using the IP address. I don’t have the equipment for it, but the guys in Beaufort do. Will you allow them access to your computer?”
She lifts a black messenger bag, sliding out a Power Book. “Can they find it using my laptop?”
“Maybe.” I’m already texting them as she speaks. “I don’t know.”
“I have more.” She powers up the computer and logs into her account, pulling up the message and turning the device so I can read it.
You will stop your pursuit of your husband’s killer. You will go live on social media and confess Lars stole my act, and ultimately he got what he deserved. No one can perform my feats but me, the Great Stantini. You will give me the evidence you have of him studying my routines, the details, the mannerisms, the words, the costumes…
“He’s insane.” I muse as I read.
“He’s a murderer.” Gwen’s voice is ice. “He’s not getting off with an insanity plea. He’s going to pay for what he did.”
I finish his message, and my entire body is tense. The more he wrote, the more unhinged his mental state appears to have grown. It’s the ravings of a madman, and he has Britt.
She’s smart but she’s small, and I’m tormented by thoughts of her bound or caged. The thought of her hands trembling, and not being able to cover them with mine… the possibility he might hurt her sends frustrated rage across my shoulders.
With every passing second, it grows worse. “Do you think he might hurt her?”
Gwen’s eyes press closed, and her head bows. “I don’t know. He’s using her for leverage. As long as he thinks we’re cooperating, we have hope.”
Exhaling a frustrated growl, I snap. “Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this?”
Incredulous eyes land on mine. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I said over and over—”
“You said Lars was murdered, and I watched my dad investigate the case. Despite what you think, he cared about the truth. It’s why he called in the guy from Charleston.”
“Your father said Lars had a risky profession, and he had to assume the risk of death was always part of it.”
“He was trying to help you move on.”
“Help me?” Her voice goes high.
“We had proof his equipment failed. You never gave us any proof or any reason to believe you weren’t simply a grieving widow unable to let go.”
“I never had proof. I only had magic.”
“So why now? What provoked Stan to lash out now?”
“I don’t know.” She lifts her hands and lets them fall. “I only know magic is always at the right time.”