Page 101 of Sinful Obsession
“Probably because she just witnessed her biological father being shot right before he attempted to kidnap her,” I said, bowing my head with the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Everyone at the table gasped in horror. “She didn’t tell us that,” Carolyn stated.
“She didn’t want to worry anyone, and it’s over. I’m not sure talking about it will help her process. However, her nightmares have been better since I’m around at night. Brie is moving in with me, by the way. I’m not sure she told you that either, but we told my parents earlier.” After I shared that with Rodger and Carolyn, I realized that it hadn’t been my place, but it was too late now. Hopefully, Brie wouldn’t be pissed at me.
“She’s so happy, I would never kick up a fuss as long as she’s safe. It’s clear she loves you, Kane. We’re thrilled that you two found each other again.” Carolyn sighed and leaned back in her seat. “And we came prepared. I have some strands of Conner’s hair I collected this morning from his comb. It’s in a baggie in my purse.”
“I’ll make an excuse to run some errands tomorrow and drop by the office for the test.” I suspected that Brie could use a few minutes to herself.
“We can help keep her occupied while you do that. We would love some time alone with her, too,” Carolyn said.
“That’s perfect. It will work out well then.” I glanced at Dad. Even though this was more important, we had a game Saturday. If we won, we were on our way to the playoffs.
My thoughts spun out, relieved that I would probably have a good-paying job after graduation. If Conner were mine, I would need a good income to support him. Only time would tell if he was mine and how it would all play out.
Istomped my foot on the floor of my bedroom, gaining my boyfriend’s attention. “Kane Cooper, I refuse to pack another box until you tell me what’s wrong. You’ve been mopey and moody ever since my family arrived. Do you not like them?”
Confusion flickered across his expression. He closed the distance between us, kissing me with such tenderness a rush of warmth flooded my body.
“I really love your family, babe. Please don’t think it’s them.”
Relieved, I slid my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. The steady rhythm of his heart lulled me into a sense of security.
“Then what’s wrong?”
“I’ve got a lot on my mind. Since we won another game, the pressure is on to deliver the championship. Plus …” He skated his palm up the length of my neck as his gaze intensified. “I need to make a decision about the society. Now that you’re in my life, do I continue as its leader or pass that along to someone else?”
I pulled away from him, my eyes narrowing. “What do you meancontinue?” I folded my arms over my chest, attempting to control the bubble of anger that had burst inside me.
Kane grinned. “If I stay, you and I can use any room we want.”
That grabbed my attention. “Isn’t being in the society also having access to all the girls?”
“It is, but I’m not interested in that, babe. Only you. I promise. In fact, any time I’m there, I’ll bring you with me if that helps. I can meet with the guys, make sure things are running well, then use the rooms with you.” Kane shoved a hand into his pocket, giving me a sheepish look. “Besides, I own the house the society is in.”
My mouth hit the floor. “What? You own that place? Like the mortgage is in your name kind of own?”
“There’s no mortgage. I bought it outright, then remodeled it.”
Completely caught off guard, I shook my head, trying to clear it. “Are there any other big secrets you’d like to share with me before I move in with you?”
Silence filled the gap between us as I realized there was something else. Kane sat on the edge of the bed. “I was going to tell you after I handled it.”
“Handled what?” I tossed my hands in the air, exasperated and getting madder by the second.
“Marc, your ex is threatening to sue me if I don’t walk away from you and pay him half a million dollars. I had a forty-eight-hour deadline, but I’ve managed to put him off for a bit.”
“Oh, my God. Kane, why didn’t you tell me before? Surely, we can take care of that idiot. Now that he can’t blackmail me anymore, I’m not afraid of him.”
Kane rubbed his palms together. “Maybe if you tell him there’s no chance of the two of you ever being an item, then he’ll drop it.”
“Of course, I’ll talk to him. What about the money?”
“I’ve already talked to an attorney. It would be Marc’s word against mine since Jagger told the cops it was self-defense and he saw it all. Legally, Marc’s full of shit. My lawyer said this crap happens when someone is high profile.”