Page 18 of Sinful Obsession
I typed out my reply.
Miss and love you!
Little dots floated at the bottom of the screen.
Love you, too. We’ll send more pics when we’re done.
Loneliness settled on my shoulders. It would be good to hang out with Gabby. I was so afraid of getting close to people that I often pushed them away early on. That needed to change. Gabby had been an amazing friend so far, and I was closer to her than the other girls on the squad. Maybe, just maybe, it was time I opened up and shared my secret with her. Only a few people knew, but my gut told me I could trust Gabby.
There was only one way to find out.
Ipulled into my parents’ driveway and parked. I was so preoccupied with how I was going to force Brie to leave Whitmore that I nearly forgot I had dinner plans with my family.
Collecting my phone, I climbed out of the car and locked up. Although the house was in one of the wealthiest areas in the state of Oregon, I hadn’t always lived here, so locking doors was second nature to me.
I tucked my light-blue button-down shirt into my jeans as I strolled up the walkway and approached the entrance. Before I could ring the bell, the door flew open, and my thirteen-year-old sister flung herself at me.
“Kane!” Her big brown eyes were filled with excitement.
I laughed as I wrapped her in a tight hug. As far as sisters went, I was pretty sure she was the best out there.
“Hey, Alexandria. I’ve missed you, too.”
She released me and took a few steps back, her gaze narrowing. “It’s been, like, a month.” She placed a hand on her hip, jutting it out. “Footballcannotcome before your family. Well, at least me, anyway.” She spun on her heel, flipped her long strawberry-blonde hair behind her shoulder, and strutted away, giggling.
I closed the door, then reset the alarm system. “I see Dad all the time.”
Alexandria looked at me and rolled her eyes. “That doesn’t count.”
I lunged toward her, wiggling my fingers. “Are you giving me attitude, little sis?”
She screamed as I chased her through the foyer and into the living room, our laughter echoing through the house. Once I caught her, I tickled her mercilessly until she collapsed on the floor, tears from her uncontrollable giggles flowing down her cheeks.
“There you are,” Mom said, joining us. She smoothed her navy slacks, her lips curling up in a wide smile. She never had a hair out of place and was always a picture of perfection and class. I wondered if I would eventually marry someone like her one day.
“Hey.” I approached and gave her a big hug.
“Are you hungry?” She patted my arm. “We’re eating in the formal dining room tonight. And we have painters coming tomorrow, so all the furniture is covered in protective cloths.”
I glanced around, finally realizing that the wingback chairs and couch in this area were also covered. The mansion was gorgeous, with marble floors and counters, triple crown molding, and all the luxurious features a multi-million-dollar home should have. It was amazing how much Mom and Dad could make it feel like a home, not a museum.
“Are you leaving the columns white?” I walked over to them and ran my fingers down the side, recalling the first time I’d laid eyes on them. To everyone else, they were beautiful décor, but to me, they represented a field goal—a small one, but still. I’d broken several expensive vases and paintings while practicing throwing a football right down the middle of these columns. Mom did everything she could to get me to stop, but it was just too much temptation, so she moved all the breakables. Once Dad got me outside and noticed I had a talent for football, the real training started, and I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. Even then, it was a hard road to heal the damage.
Dark memories flickered in my mind, and I shoved those nasty bastards back behind the door where they belonged. I turned my attention to Mom again.
“Yes, but we’re finally having them repainted since you’ve moved out.” Mom laughed and squeezed my bicep.
“Son.” Dad’s voice boomed down the hall. “Glad you could join us.”
“Me, too. I know it’s been a while since we were able to catch up off the field.”
Dad flashed me a big grin as he strolled toward us. “Hell of a team we have this year, but let’s chat over dinner.” He motioned for us all to follow him as he led the way to the formal area.
Once we took our seats and dished up, I stared at my plate. “I have no idea why I don’t visit more often. The food smells amazing.” I speared a large bite of pot roast and shoved it into my mouth.