Page 30 of Sinful Obsession
Iwas about to fucking lose my mind. Each moment I talked myself out of finally confronting Brie face-to-face, my stomach churned, and I wondered if I would be able to keep my lunch down.
Coach blew the whistle on the late-afternoon practice, and I removed my helmet as Quinn, Sterling, Jagger, and Anderson hurried over to me.
“Guess who’s back?” Quinn offered me a fist bump.
The other guys punched me in the arm for dialing in my shit on the field again. Maybe my decision to talk to Brie had cleared my thoughts enough to stay focused in practice.
“Man, your throws were like fucking butter,” Sterling said, drawing his hand back and tossing an imaginary ball into the air.
“It felt damn good. Hopefully, I’m on point Saturday.” I removed my helmet and wiped the sweat off my forehead with my gloved palm.
“You will be. Whatever was fucking with you seems to be taken care of,” Jagger added, grinning at us. “Playoffs, here we come.”
“Isn’t this your last year?” Quinn asked Jagger. “You’re a senior, right?”
“Nah. I’ve got one more season ahead of me. After the accident, I took a light class load when I returned.” Jagger’s eyes held a faraway expression.
“Sweet!” I slapped Jagger on the back. “Not about your accident, but that you’re with us for another year. I think we’ve got the best team the university has seen in a long-ass time.”
Sterling broke out into “We Are the Champions” by Queen, and we all joined in, some loudly singing off-key.
I laughed as we headed toward the locker room, then I remembered that I might be kissing all of this goodbye. My throat tightened with fear. I was playing Russian roulette with my future, and it fucking sucked. Football wasn’t something I did. It ran through my veins and saved me when I needed it the most. I couldn’t sit on the sidelines, watching my life pass me by. Not fucking again.
Quinn elbowed me in the side. “You good, man?”
“Yeah,” I muttered. “I need to meet up with someone, so after I shower, I’m out of here.”
“No bitches tonight at the society, huh?” Quinn asked.
“Who knows? It depends on how it all plays out,” I said, reaching the locker room and pulling open the door. At least some of the guys had already hit the showers, so the place didn’t smell as bad.
“Catch up with me later, then.” Quinn jogged in the opposite direction and gave me a small wave.
It was too bad that I couldn’t wash away the past like I could the sweat and grime that coated my body.
* * *
There was a strong possibility that I was turning into a stalker, and Brie was my prey. After I’d checked her class schedule, I sat in my car, watching the cheer squad practice outside of one of the college buildings. I suspected the grass provided a softer landing than the track around the football field. What I hadn’t really paid attention to was the fact that Brie was a flyer. I’m sure I probably noticed at some point, but it hadn’t registered in my brain. Plus, when they practiced, I was normally on the field.
Watching her get thrown in the air, then get caught by some dude, wasn’t sitting right with me. His hands were all over her ass. Jealousy reared its ugly head, and I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable with the sudden change in my emotions. I’d been clear when I told her she couldn’t fuck anyone else unless I demanded it, but even watching Quinn make her come had pissed me off to no end.
I cracked my neck, wondering what the hell was wrong with me because the little shit who was palming her ass to hold her steady was pissing me off, too. It was probably the only action the guy got, and I should give him a break. I massaged my shoulders. They were tight as hell with the stress of finally confronting her, once and for all.
Half an hour later, Brie’s practice was over, and she headed to her Lexus. I’d planned on following her home at a distance, then knocking on her door. It would be best if our conversation didn’t go down in public.
I kept my eyes trained on her as a tall, blonde-haired guy approached her. He pulled her in for a big hug, but her arms remained at her sides. Curious, I climbed out of my Jaguar. I was parked about five cars away from her, with a good view, and I could hear what they were saying.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, attempting to take a step back.
“What do you mean, baby? I’m here to see you. Haven’t you missed me?” the douchebag asked.
No. She hasn’t.
“You should leave.” Brie attempted to pull her arm away, but his fingers dug into her bicep.
“Don’t be like that, Brie. You know what I can do to you.”