Page 10 of Beniamino Deluca
“It is a secret unless I make it your business. Everything that I do stays behind closed doors. I don’t think you can handle that at all, firefly.”
“Firefly? I’m not into pet names.” I snickered. Ignoring what felt like a sexual innuendo. “We don’t know each other well enough for that.”
"That'll change. We'll know one another soon enough."
"Focus. We were talking about drugs, Beni."
"Were we? Because I thought all you sold here was entertainment and alcohol. Though, both are their own drugs."
"They aren't in moderation." I defended. How dare he?
"Same could be said for many drugs. You don't monitor what they do before or after they leave here to know whether it's in moderation. Alcoholics exist and so do adrenaline junkies. You feed both kinds of those addicts. It's the same, firefly."
"It isn't." I objected while sitting up in my seat.
"How is it different?"
"Drugs kill people. Make them do things they normally wouldn't."
"Drunk driving is safe though?"
"Not different at all. Addicts are addicts no matter their drug of choice. If someone profits from it, it doesn't make them a bad person. It makes them a supplier. Candy for a child. Coffee for a caffeine drinker. Sex for a nympho. Cocaine for an adrenaline seeker. Alcohol for someone needing numbness. One drug isn't better than another if they're being abused." The smirk tilting his lips was too much to deal with for my liking. Snide had to be his middle name.
"I'm busy here, Beni. How about you call it a night and I'll see you tomorrow." I refused to tell him that he had a point that made sense. It was more stubbornness on my part than denial.
"Enjoy the rest of your night." Beni stood to leave and placed the papers on my desk before he exited.
"Asshole," I muttered before going back to work.
"Boss," Cara peeked her head inside. "I need to pick up a friend that's stranded, will you be okay?"
We usually left together, but she wouldn't have asked if it wasn't important.
"Go. Let me know you're safe."
"I will." She waved and then exited quickly.
I finished up my workload and stretched. My desk clock alerted me that it was after five in the morning and I really needed to get some sleep. The club was quiet as I did a walk-through to make sure that it was empty. Setting the alarm, I exited with my stun gun and keys in hand. The parking lot was clear except for my car. I approached it from the far side, and as I neared the driver’s side of my BMW XM. I stopped in my tracks when the vandalization came into view. The driver-side windows were busted and my leather seats were ripped to shreds. More spray paint lined the seats and both of my tires on this side were flat.
I circled the car to see the front passenger side tire flat as well. I looked around the parking lot again, this time searching for hidden figures or anyone suspiciously driving by. I didn’t owe anybody anything so why… I sighed. Marcus. He’s driven my car before and I didn’t doubt that he’d done more of his bullshit in it.
A black car pulled up slowly and I braced myself, ready to defend myself. The back window rolled down and Beni’s face came into view. I exhaled and relaxed, happy to see a familiar face even if it was him.
“Is this your car?” He asked as he got out.
“Unfortunately. I came out to it like this.” I turned to verify that I hadn’t lost my damn mind.
I groaned loudly. This was going to be an expensive fix. Even if the damages were covered, it’d be weeks before I got it back. Fucking Marcus! He seemed to ruin everything that he touched. My life seemed to be in shambles because of him. At thirty, I didn’t expect to still be searching for the things that I wanted in life. Divorced, no children, and no house to call home. The place I rented wasn’t where I wanted to live. It wasn’t bad, beautiful actually, but it was empty aside from me. All started out well and then… Marcus. Then my business and now my car. One I’d gotten to celebrate my freedom away from him. My new beginning.
I stomped my feet and tried to keep things together, but for fuck’s sake, I couldn’t. Tears escaped my eyes and bit the side of my lip to keep from screaming. Where was he right now? Because beating the hell out of him sounded like a plan.
“Simone?” Beni touched my shoulder shocking the hell out of me. “I’m sorry. You zoned out for a second.”
“Just a second?” I laughed cynically. “Marcus has managed to screw up so many things in one day.”