Page 14 of Beniamino Deluca
“We just leave all this out?” She turned toward the island.
“Yup, a few of the guys will probably come by for food. Martina writes for a magazine and is usually up at night working. So breakfast feels like dinner to her. Though, she cooks all her meals, usually, lunch and dinner are simple.” I explained.
“Except Sundays…” Martina said as she reentered with Amina. They both appeared freshly showered and ready for the day. “Sundays I make family dinner.”
“Ooh!” Simone’s eyes followed Martina around the kitchen. “Big dinners or…?”
“Italian dinners,” I answered for her as I made myself another cup of coffee.
“Fresh plates of pasta, bread, sauces… You can catch store-bought foods in my kitchen for lunch and dinner, but for breakfast and Sunday dinner, I put my skills of cooking from scratch to the test.” Martina explained while making her and Amina’s plates. “This Sunday, I’m making lasagna. You should come. I’d love to have you. It’s nice to have another woman around.” She admitted.
There was Father, Massimo, and me. Then, some of our guys would show up, too. Martina always sent me to the car with plates for Denny, too. Today wouldn’t be any different. Her theory is that it was her contribution to help keep our men loyal. We were a family and she took pride in doing her part.
I didn’t allow her to meddle any other way in what we did though she understood the game well enough. Me keeping her safe was more important than having her curiosity about things sated. Instead, I gave her other freedoms. She earned her own money and I kept her security down almost invisible. She didn’t like feeling like a prisoner but understood the importance of making sure that she was never a target. Under our agreement she thrived, giving me yet another reason to love her.
A figure came around the corner, and I smiled when I saw Massimo. He seemed tired but alert.
“Simo.” Martina jumped up from her seat and hugged him with the same excited energy that she’d welcomed me with. “I’ve missed you, brother.”
“You saw me yesterday, Tina.” He scowled.
“So.” She shrugged.
“Hi, Uncle Simo.” Amina reached for him and he came over and hugged her tightly.
“What’s up, Max” I greeted him.
“Hey, what the fuck are you doing here?” He asked. Then as if he didn’t realize that Simone was in the room, his gaze traveled to her. Interest peaked in his eyes and he softened his tone. “Sorry, didn’t know we had a guest.”
“Hello, I’m Simone.” She put her hand out and he took it, gently placing a kiss just above her knuckles.
“I’m Massimo. Are you a friend of Martina’s?” He asked.
“No.” She blushed as she pulled her hand away. “I’m a friend of Beni.”
“Then I’m sorry that you met the wrong brother first.” He winked making Simone giggle.
“Me, too. You’re nicer.”
I glared at Max, ready to kick him out. I didn’t like the way he was drooling and flirting with Simone.
“Well, we should be going.” I started to stand, but Martina stopped me.
“She’s fine. Sit down and spend time with your family.” She insisted with pleading eyes.
I conceded because she knew I’d give her whatever she wanted. A superpower I thought all baby sisters had.
Two hours later, we’d laughed and talked so much that you’d think that Simone had been around forever. I could see the exhaustion in her heavy eyes, though she kept fighting it.
“Simone, you can go upstairs and rest in the guest room if you’d like. I need to have a word with my brother.” I said to her. “I’ll come up and get you when I’m finished.”
“Beni, I–”
“I won’t hear of it. We can all tell that you’re tired.” Martina interjected. “I’ll take you upstairs.”
Amina had already left for school. I’d had Denny take her. That way, Martina could finish enjoying her time with Simone. They got along well, and watching them interact made Simone sexier. She’d dodged Massimo’s advances toward her easily, without offending him. The two women disappeared out of the room leaving us alone.
“Last night, somebody vandalized Simone’s car outside the club,” I explained to him.