Page 28 of Beniamino Deluca
Iwrung the doorbell to find myself waiting for Simone to answer. Not something I was used to, I smoothed my jacket in anticipation. The door opened to reveal Simone in lounge clothes.
“Hey,” She greeted. “Everything okay?”
“It is. Did you forget?” I asked. I had a feeling that she had but I didn’t want to risk calling or texting her. It would give her the option of saying she wasn’t coming.
“Forget?” She folded her arms uncomfortably.
“Dinner at my sisters.”
“Oh shit. I did…” She looked over her shoulder and I wondered if someone was here.
“Am I interrupting something?” On guard, I was ready to beat the shit out of whomever it was. I never bothered to ask her if she was seeing someone, if so, I knew how to make the fucker disappear.
“I’d just started dinner. Not that it’s anything I’d miss.” She muttered the last part.
“Can I come in?” I asked as I wondered if this was a bad idea.
“Yes. I’ll get dressed if you have time.” She backed up to let me in and I gave her a bouquet of wild flowers as I did, pulling them from behind my back.
“Oh, wow.” Instantly she sniffed them. Closing her eyes, she took another whiff and her discomfort seemed to melt away as she did. “There are nice, Beni.”
“I figured that you would like them. Fireflies usually do.” I winked at her and she blushed hard. Beautiful fucking sight.
“I’ll put these in water. Make yourself at home.”
I nodded before she disappeared.
Warmth seemed to come from every surface in here. She’d spent time making this space hers. Feminine touches graced the entire layout. Then I saw something that made Simone that much more delicious. I lifted the cover to find it dust free. There was a kit next to turntable that was used to keep the needle clean. I opened the cabinet beside it to find vinyl records stored. Sitting on the floor, I flipped through ever record until I find one I couldn’t pass up.
I put the Bill Withers record on. Moving to the correct track line, I gently put the needle down. His voice filled the room and I tapped my shoe against the floor as his words held true. I heard the pain in his voice, the weariness in his notes, the experience he sang about… I knew too what he meant about sunshine. I never realized how short the song was. I played it again letting his words become mine.
“What are you doing?” Simone asked while putting earrings in her ear and leAming agains the wall.
“Making myself at home. That’s what you said, right?” I let the album go to the next song as I stood.
“I did.” She stood up on alert.
“Then that’s what I’m doing.”
“You’re touching my vinyl.” She looked around me as I walked in her direction.
“Mhm… I did.”
“And playing Bill Withers.”
“Very good choice.” Simone licked her lips and I used my thumb to follow the trail.
“You’re fucking yummy.” I admitted to her before kissing her.
Her arms wrapped around my neck and mine went around her waist. She pulled away first, and I followed stealing another quicker one.
“I’m ready.” She said to me.
“I can see.”
She wore a yellow wrap dress, strappy sandals, and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with her bangs covering a good bit of her right side of her face. It swooped to the side and was pinned with a sunflower on the side of her head. Diamonds graced her lobes and she smelled of that damn perfume I loved.