Page 56 of Beniamino Deluca
I nodded and took a deep sigh. “Will I have to… identify him?”
“They’ll probably call someone for that. Should it be you?”
“Yes. I don’t think I want to subject my younger siblings to see him like that. Is there a card?” I cleared more of the sleep from my throat.
The officer handed it to me, and then both men looked at each other.
“Yes?” Now, I was confused.
“We hate to ask you this, but… Where were you last night?”
“I’ll do you one better,” I yelled for Simone and she came to the door hesitantly.
“Baby, the officers want to know where I was last night?” I looked down at her.
Immediately, she blushed. Mhm… right between her thighs all night.
“He was with me…” Literally.
“Thank you. I’m assuming you are Mrs. DeLuca?” He asked.
Not yet, buddy. But trust me, I’m working on it.
When they finished up, I explained to Simone what was happening. She hugged me and I was shocked at the relief I felt. I held on to her with a vice grip as grief shook me in a way I hadn’t expected. I’d never planned to have my father killed. But then, everything that I thought I knew about him and our family had been constructed by this madman. When he didn’t get what he wanted, he destroyed people’s lives. It was a pastime that I wasn’t interested in participating in anymore. It needed to end.
I wiped a tear from my eyes, understanding that it was okay to mourn the man that I thought he was. That’s who I would miss. Not the son of a bitch who had tried to kill me first.
My phone rang and kissed Simone’s cheek before going into my office and closing the door. It was my burner phone, and only Massimo had the number.
“I guess it’s done?” He asked. “His face is all over the news.”
“Yes. The Bianchi family.”
“They got to him first?” He asked.
“How are you feeling?” I asked him.
“I need to process this, I think.” He admitted. He sounded almost childlike. It was a lot to take in. Not something you immediately felt when there were so many other factors than who he was biologically.
My father liked to keep trophies from the men he killed. It was part of the secrets he had buried in that house. I’d taken them as collateral, having a feeling that I’d need them someday. When I found out what he was up to recently and how he was calling around to find someone to kill me, I followed his lead.
I sent those trophies back to the families they came from. Accompanied by a call to let them know why I was sending it. I gave them all a chance to seek revenge. All they needed was the code to get inside the back entrance, a way to avoid the cameras, and they had to deliver a message to him. One that included me knowing what he was up to. However they sought revenge was up to them. It was their one free pass. After this was over, there would be no more bad blood against the DeLucas.
From here on out, they’d put some respect on my name. It’s like Massimo said. We’re building a new legacy, and that didn’t include my father. Period.
The End… for now.
* * *
Thank you for reading Beni and Simone’s story. If you want the bonus Epilogue, please click here to receive it. I’ll also send the first chapter of Massimo’s story since he is next in the series. I’m thinking about writing Martina’s story as well. If I do, I’ll send the first chapter with that as well.
Once again, thank you for letting me take you on these characters’ journey!
Chapter 1, Four Warned