Page 10 of Watering Stone
Ven grinned. “Not quite yet. Baby one is in position, so it will go pretty quickly once we get there. The guys need breakfast, and I need juice. This is going to be a rough day.”
Eliana smiled and ate her own breakfast while Syar fed Pen and ate his own meal with his other hand. She had offered, but these were Pen’s last moments of being an only child. He was sitting with his feet propped up on the seat next to him and the baby on the slope of his knees. It was cute.
Ven sighed. “I used to have knees.”
Reynaldo rubbed her belly. “They will be back soon. Your ankles as well.”
Ven gasped and held still. “Okay. I think now is good.”
“Pen’s nearly finished.” Syar held her bottle, and the liquid disappeared. “There she goes.”
Eliana smiled. “I’ve got her. You go get the other two.” She waited until Syar kissed his baby’s forehead. She picked up the baby, Reynaldo picked up Ven, and the family headed out to get their new members into their arms. Elly rubbed the baby’s back until a series of burps emerged. “Well, aren’t you a little gassy?”
She took care of the diaper, grabbed some toy mats, and headed to the great room with the baby on her hip. The mats went down, and Penina giggled happily, and they played for a few hours until a notice from Ven’s phone that baby one had arrived.
Elly jumped when someone asked, “Was that about the babies?”
Henry was near her, looking down as she played with an increasingly sleepy baby. Eliana got to her feet and looked at him. “The first baby has arrived.”
“How old were you when you called?”
“It was four days after my eighteenth birthday. The burn on my back occurred on my birthday.”
Henry frowned. “He was waiting until you were legal.”
“To scar me up and dump me? Yeah. Apparently.”
Penina was creeping slowly toward her. She lifted her charge, and Henry’s face got soft.
“You don’t have any children?”
Henry’s expression took on a desperate look. “No.”
“There is something causing a problem?”
“They can’t find anything.”
“I have asked a friend for a diagnostic specialist for you.”
He blinked. “You have?”
“Sure. You are in some sort of pain, whether it is emotional, physical, or situational. Best to get to the bottom of it.” She smiled and moved with Pen. “Speaking of.” She checked her phone.
She typed in a message and smiled. “Any minute now.”
“Really? I have been to every specialist that there is.”
“She’s special... and here she is.”
In the centre of the room, a glow started, and soon, the ball expanded, and Amelia slowly stood from a crouching position. She stood up in her jeans and t-shirt. “Wow. It is hot as balls here.”
Eliana grinned and went over to hug her friend. “Thanks for coming, Amelia. How are you doing?”
“Need coffee. You know the drill. Also, where can I get something lighter to wear?”
“You can have one of my outfits.”
“Uh. Is there anything with more fabric? You know I have issues with me.”