Page 17 of Watering Stone
“I also want to go surfing tomorrow, and dead fish on the shoreline would wreck my mood.”
He chuckled. “You surf?”
“When I am near the water, which is not often.” She smiled. “Sometimes, I even use a board.” Keeping her focus was difficult, but she asked, “So, did you grow up around here?”
“Yes. Nalu and I grew up in the city and got jobs here when we were out of school.” He chuckled. “I was here a few years ago and helped my brother court his mate. Let the bugger punch me in the nose. He nearly lost a hand. Instinct is instinct.”
She smiled. “Nice wingman.” She kept her focus.
“Thanks. I have done the same for Nalu but can’t do the same for myself. My physiology is not conducive to hookups.”
“You are sitting on it.”
She blinked and flipped out of his lap.
He laughed, and when she looked, she saw one semi-erect penis, and as she stared, the second showed itself.
“Oh, geez. Great, two man-whores and that.” She turned back to the duelling dragons and saw that they were both looking at her. She had been in the water long enough that her swirls were showing. Blue and dark-dark red were moving over her torso in twists and turns. They only showed up when she was near water for over an hour.
Keahi and Nalu shrank back to normal size and waded toward her.
She worked to cool the water they were wading through, and when she got the temperatures close, she removed the bulkhead that she had created, and the sea was comfortably cool in seconds with hopefully minimal damage.
She got up and stretched, heading back toward the village. Keahi walked in step with her. “You called us man-whores?”
“Well, I have seen the paparazzi photos, and if even half of them are dead on, you got around. Mano just said the same about Nalu. And Mano’s issues are his own. I am just walking away from it. Buck naked, through the jungle.” She stopped and went back to the beach. He followed along.
“What about your own experiences? They don’t count.”
She laughed at him as she kept walking. “They do not.”
He blinked. “They don’t? You said you had boyfriends.”
“No, you asked about boyfriends. The only boys who are friends are currently under three feet tall and wondering when they can ask their friend in class out for ice cream.”
He stared. “Children?”
“Yes. I babysat the kids at the book club parties; lots of guys who were excited to see me so I could help them tie their shoelaces. Yeah, so whatever you guys have gotten on your dicks, I don’t want it to ruin the brand-new upholstery.”
She glanced at him, and his eyes were wide. She made it to the beach and got dressed.
Keahi walked over to the other two, and she snapped, “Wait until I am out of fucking earshot before you gossip about me.”
The three alphas froze in place. She got her top back on, sat to put on her sandals, and when they were on, she walked back to the village, enjoying the silence.
* * * *
Keahi looked at the others and said, “Uh, slight problem. Are either of you experienced with angry virgins?”
Nalu blinked. “No, I steer clear of... oh.”
Mano whistled. “Okay. That explains why she could be plastered against me and not a flicker of anything.”
Keahi put a finger to his lips. “You have to kiss her to wake her up.”
“By what means? Literal?” Mano smiled. “I hope it’s literal.”