Page 2 of Watering Stone
The attendant told her to buckle up, and that was when the others realized they weren’t alone. When the attendant walked up to them, one of the dark-haired men asked, “Who is she, and why is she here?”
“She is the invited passenger of the royal family.”
Eliana picked up her notebook and kept writing the story she had been working on for years. Suddenly, her teen romance had gotten some inspiration.
She had eaten her drive-thru hamburger an hour after they were in the air. Her sister had thought folks would be impressed her wedding was vegan, but her husband was vegetarian, and no one else really gave a hoot.
The attendant came by. “Can I get you anything else, miss?”
“No, Joy. Thank you. I... wait. More coffee?”
Joy laughed. “Of course. Back in a moment.”
She was on her third cup of coffee, and then a human made of heat walked by. She looked up from her mug and met his weird gaze. He could make his eyes dark brown, but right now, they were swirling orange and red.
She set her coffee down. “Yes? Do I know you?”
He stared at her hair and skin and met her gaze. “You know me.”
“No. I don’t think I do.” She lifted her coffee and sipped again.
“It was ten years ago.”
“Still drawing a blank.”
“My band and I hung out at the diner you worked at on Saturday nights. We went for picnic breakfasts after your shift.”
She cocked her head. “Still don’t know who you are. Go have a seat.”
He looked outraged. “We dated for six months.”
“I dated someone. I don’t know who he was. You see, he gave me his brother’s name.”
He blinked and stepped back. “I... did?”
“You did. When you disappeared and I tried to call, he told me what you had done to keep a clingy bitch like me from following you around.” She nodded. “It was effective. I stopped. You are wrecking this very nice flight. Fuck off.”
He blinked. “He told you what?”
“What I said. Shoo. If you remain here, I will get violent, and this is a nice fancy plane, and Joy is a pleasant person. I don’t want her to have any trouble. We still have a few hours to go, so take yourself elsewhere.” She sipped her coffee and waved him off.
With effort, she returned to her book. And started scribbling.
She watched him open and close his mouth, and then he stalked back to his doppelganger. His brother seemed clueless as to the issue. The omega snorted and glanced at her with a sneer that faded. He spoke quietly, and his alpha was stunned.
Apparently, it had been settled. She had figured it out when she heard their voices. The omega’s lighter voice had been the one sneering at her over the phone.
There were raised voices starting at the far end of the flight, and Joy looked nervous. Elly got up and walked to where the two alphas were fighting with the omega. She spoke softly. “Shut up. All of you. It’s done. It’s in the past. Sit down. You are upsetting the attendant.”
The alpha she had known was staring at her. His face flushed, and he opened his mouth. She wrapped all of them in tendrils of water and shoved them into their seats. She then wrapped them in place until they stopped struggling. Her ex-boyfriend was staring at her in shock.
She looked at them. “You can discuss whatever you like when we have landed, but servers have a rough job, and you don’t want to make her life awkward. Now, behave, or I will waterboard you until you are more compliant. Are we clear? You? Sparkletits. Are we clear?”
The omega looked down at his glittery shirt, and he looked up and nodded. “I am sorry. I thought he would straighten things out when he got back.”
“Yeah. I am sure.” She turned her back and walked to her seat.