Page 26 of Watering Stone
Keoki came over and hugged her. “Good morning, Solai, Haril. Is that Arfloof? He’s grown.”
Haril giggled and explained that Arfloof was the same.
Keahi kissed Eliana’s cheek and walked over to hug his cousin and greet her daughter’s stuffed animal.
The little girl hugged him when he crouched, and that got Eliana right in the ovaries.
Mano had moved next to her and said, “He’s good with kids.”
She glanced at him. “Uh-huh.”
Keahi hugged the stuffed animal and gave it back to the little girl.
Solai looked at her and smiled. It wasn’t an unkind smile. She asked Keahi, “Trolling for tourists?”
He took Solai by the hand. Eliana knew the name from her conversations with Ven.
“Solai, this is my mate, Eliana. Eliana, this is Solai.”
Eliana extended her hand, and Solai looked her over and then blushed. “You are wearing an outfit from the royal household.”
Eliana smiled. “I am the nanny for Penina and the new littles. The as-yet-untitled babies. The family wanted to do interviews and photo shoots today, so I have the time off.”
Mano walked up behind her. “So, she is out playing with us. Courtship is hard, sis.”
She pinked, and Solai blinked and grinned. “Aw, you are going to be my sister-in-law. Mano is my husband’s brother.”
“I am fairly sure that isn’t how it works. I will just be a mate with an attachment to their grouping. Like a contract employee.” She smiled. “Wait. How did you pick out the clothing?”
“Oh, I made most of it, so when Ven needed something that could deal with her bustline, I picked that design, and Kane used it when he needed to get stuff run up for visitors to the residence.” Solai smiled. “Can you give me a turn? I want to see how the straps are sitting.”
“Oh. Sure.” She swept her hair over her shoulder and turned her back, realizing what she had done when Solai inhaled sharply.
Haril asked, “Mommy, what’s that? It’s pretty.”
Eliana dropped her hair back into place. “Sorry. I forgot it was there.”
Solai blinked and explained to Haril. “That’s a mark, baby. That means that her partners made that mark on her back so other alphas know that she has partners.”
“Like the one daddy made on your neck?”
Haril wandered to the corner and explained it all to Arfloof.
Solai looked at Mano. “No bite.”
He smiled. “Not yet. But courting has started.”
Eliana blushed again.
Solai grinned. “They do it in weird ways. My husband kept catching me when waves knocked me over. Then, he punched the shark behind me. Of course, if I had known it was Mano, Haril might not have made it into the world as soon as she did.”
Mano grinned. “It wasn’t me. I just convinced it to head into the shallows, approach you, and swim away. It seemed he got a little too close. I had to apologize and get him some fish for the nose punch.”
Eliana sighed. “Wing man.”