Page 31 of Watering Stone
Keahi said, “There aren’t any sushi places in the village.”
Ven nodded. “True. I have been looking up listings, and all the fun restaurants are on the other side of the island. I couldn’t hunt sushi down until the pregnancy was over, but guess what... it’s over.”
Eliana gasped, “Even pizza?”
Ven nodded sadly. “Even pizza.”
Reynaldo snorted. “We can make pizza.”
Ven looked at him with a skeptical eye. “Really? We?”
He blushed. “Right. I will ask Kane.”
“Good plan, sport.”
Ven yelped as she was hauled onto her mate’s lap.
Eliana chuckled and coordinated her hands into a massaging of her abdomen. That was a lot to take in in one sitting, and she was wary that it was a sign of things to come... so to speak.
Chapter Seven
Eliana groaned as Keahi pulled her onto his lap. He placed a hand over hers on her tummy and tutted. “If you are uncomfortable, you need to stop.”
“Oh, why are there so many reference similarities between sex and food?” she muttered.
Nalu chuckled. “Because it makes it more fun.”
Keahi murmured, “I can help with the discomfort if you like?”
She opened one eye and squinted with the other. “That sounds nice, but do I get to keep my clothing on?”
“Of course. Just open your mouth.”
She was suspicious, but discomfort won out, and she opened her mouth. Fire blazed into her, and she grabbed hold of his shirt and hung on.Mate fire. Damnit.
The fire roared through her, and she heard that rush in her ears, and after about two minutes, he stopped.
Eliana slumped against him. “An antacid was out of the question?”
Keahi chuckled and stroked her hair. “I would have had to go to the bathroom for that. This meant I didn’t have to stand up. Feeling better?”
Her body was rippling with arousal, and there was a weird throbbing behind her navel. “No. There is just weird stuff all over. Like it scattered.”
He nuzzled her temple. He softly said, “You know what that was, right?”
She grimaced. “I know.”
Amelia was chuckling as Henry and Keoki came back. “Was that mate fire?”
Keahi nodded. “Yes, it was.”
Amelia asked, “Does it hurt, Elly?”
“No. But it’s weird.”
“That’s definitive.” Amelia laughed.
Keoki handed Elly her phone. “That was very informative, and she is willing to assist. There are two very interesting candidates within her sphere of influence.”