Page 4 of Watering Stone
“I really need you to listen.”
She looked at him. “Then make a fucking time machine and go back ten years to when I gave a fuck.”
She shoved him aside, and he was shocked. Really? They should have been more aware by now.
She walked back to her seat, and he followed her.
She stopped and turned to face him. “Get away from me.”
“I have to explain. I need you to understand.”
She screamed, and everyone stared. “I don’t care! You are trying to make yourself feel better. Fuck off. I don’t care how you feel; I don’t care what you think. I don’t care about you at all. Your opinion and regret don’t matter. How do I know that? Ten. Fucking. Years. You feel bad? Tough fucking luck.” She prodded two fingers into his chest. “It. Nearly. Killed. Me. I kept myself alive because there was no one else. Go. Away.”
She sat back in her seat.
Joy brought her a bottle of water.
Whatever his name was headed back to his seat with a stunned expression. Her ex-whatever was looking at her with sad eyes. She moved around and settled so they were at her back. She didn’t need to stare at them.
Her phone pinged. She got a live call from Ven. “Hey, Venetia. How are you?”
“Super round. Uh, what’s going on there?”
“Nothing. I am just stuck on a plane with my ex-boyfriend, his twin brother, and his omega. And two other dudes I haven’t had a chance to yell at. Let me guess; we are all getting the same transport to the village.”
“Um... yeah.”
“Fine. I will walk.”
“No. Can you ride a horse?”
Eliana smiled. “I can. Does the horse know where we are going?”
“Yup. Do you need a saddle?”
“Okay. You will get the horse. They get the carriage. I am going to have a chat with Syar.”
“Ven, don’t do it on my account. My past is past. I am good with that. I guess it is funny that he radiates fire, and I am water. I guess some things got lost in translation.”
Ven shook her head. “I need to know why they are here. I know they are his relatives, but I still don’t know why they are coming.”
“You look into that, and I will pretend I am alone on the plane.”
“Big awkward hug waiting for you when you touch down.”
“Excellent. And if Syar gets any more complaints from the other passengers, I will sort them out the moment we have landed.”
“Uh, they are,” she finished in a rush, “staying with us at the residence.”
“Shit. Right. Well, can I bunk with the babies?”
Ven smiled. “Sure. Pen just wakes up once in the night, so having someone there will be a good thing.”
“And to be there for her when you are occupied producing her siblings.”
Ven exhaled. “While I appreciate the speed of the pregnancies and the health of the babies, the rush takes a lot out of me.”