Page 40 of Watering Stone
Amelia’s cheeks got slightly pink. Elly was stunned. It looked like Wren was right again. Then Elly looked at Armin, and Wren was way off at the same time.
Armin got to his feet and came over to Gia. “How can clothes make such a difference?”
Gia looked at him. “Because you are fucking your way through the population with abandon. With only an initial impression to work on before your scent wears off, you really don’t have the time to be as fussy as you are.” She snorted and shook her head. “Saytrs.”
Tor snorted. “She’s not wrong.”
Armin muttered, “Traitor.”
Tor chuckled.
Elly looked over at the babies in their father’s arms and Penina, who was held by her father’s arms.
Penina started snuffling, and Syar expertly soothed her. He had practice, after all.
Keahi leaned down and whispered, “Do you want one of those?”
“Omega? No, I am good.” She smiled, turned her head, and kissed him.
Gia smiled and then walked to take in the view.
Armin stood next to her, and they talked.
Elly watched and crossed her fingers. This was going to be tricky.
She knew it was midnight when cool hands pulled her from Keahi, and there was some growling back and forth. Nalu carried her to his bed and just wrapped her in his arms. He waited a few hours, gave her mate fire, and then they slowly had sex until dawn crept through the window. With Nalu, there was no friction. Everything was fluid, and his bed was wrecked, but when they were both satisfied, he blasted them both with fire, and they were able to slump together and sleep.
Keahi brought them breakfast and chuckled. “Fine, Nalu wins for stamina.”
“It isn’t a competition, Key.”
Nalu sat up. “It is a little, Eliana. That’s nature.”
“Huh?” She looked between them.
Mano came in yawning. “The one you like best has a better chance of getting you pregnant.”
She had a mouthful of fruit. “What? I don’t think it works that way.”
Mano crouched and said, “The one you like best will be the one you start turning to when you are receptive. More to the point, the one your body likes best is going to be the final deciding factor. So... itisa competition on the basic bias of wanting our genes to carry on.”
She chewed and swallowed. “Oh, that. Don’t you guys have to get to rehearsal?”
Keahi shook his head. “That’s where we were a few days ago. We know our marks and settings. Your friend might find things difficult.”
She shrugged. “Gia can call for reinforcements. The help that the book club can offer is growing with every video and concert. A lot of the ladies either had experience with music or got it after their alteration. It is also good therapy to get comfortable with your body again. The ones who altered via violence have trouble with the transition.”
“Are there a lot of them?”
“Only in our city. It is weird.” She shrugged. “But Wren knows and isn’t telling.”
Keahi stared. “So, if we hadn’t been shooting in your city...”
“We would never have met. Your dragon wouldn’t have marked me, and I wouldn’t be having breakfast with Nalu’s cock pressed to my back.”
Nalu chuckled and massaged her neck with his hands. She let out a warbling sound she didn’t know she owned and froze. He laughed and kissed her ear. “There are many new things to discover about each other.”
“That was so weird.”