Page 53 of Watering Stone
“Do you have a publisher?”
“Sometimes yes, sometimes no. If I think the book might make my family disown me, definitely self-publish.”
He laughed. “So, you will be self-publishing a lot then.”
She smiled. “Are you planning on inspiring me?”
“Oh, yes. Every chance I get. Nalu and Mano are in there as well. If you ever need an idea, let us know. We will throw ourselves at your feet.”
“If you aim for the feet, you will miss.” She smiled and patted his cheek.
He grinned, picked her up, and spun her around before he set her on her feet.
Mano leaned in and kissed her while Keahi held her.
When Elly’s family came back with the ladies looking dazed and Nalu looking smug, he had to introduce her to his family again. Ven and her family arrived, and more introductions happened. Then Keoki, Henry, and Amelia arrived, and the party could start.
Henry was having trouble having a friend for the first time ever, but Amelia was getting him through it. It was a strange transition for him, but he was managing to admit that he just wanted her to be with him, not to screw.
Tor, Armin, Nova, and Mort came in later.
It was two hours later that Gwen pinned Elly against the wall and hissed, “What are you doing? They are some ofthosealphas. You can tell. They look... more.”
“Uh, Gwenny, do you remember when I had to leave home, and I was crying all the time?”
“Yeah. Why? What does that have to do with anything?”
“Keahi was the reason I was crying. He had to leave town, and he didn’t come back. But you know what?”
“He came back.” She watched her sister and could see when Gwen’s brain latched onto something.
“Yes, but not at the same time.” She waited.
“It’s indecent.” Gwen actually stamped her foot.
“Especially the way we do it.” She waggled her eyebrows at her sister.
“You are disgusting. First, you write that trash, and now, you do this? Your bizarre hair and weird friends. Why are you even walking loose?”
Elly tried to ignore her, but the words hurt as she got more worked up. Her aura of amusement cracked and shattered.
Keahi was next to her in a moment and said, “Perhaps inviting your sister to spend time in paradise was a mistake. Your mother seems to be having a nice time.”
“You. Why did you go after her? She was fine. A pathetic loser with green hair.”
Keahi looked at Elly, and he hugged her. “Come, love. It seems that someone smuggled a bitchy attitude through customs. She might need to be deported for illegal cargo.”
Elly smiled at him and tried to boost her mood as her mates came over. “Only if she gets put in the hold of the plane.”
“No, we were going to have Tor and Armin haul her behind their vessel.”
She smiled. “With Nova following with a speaker over her head.”
He chuckled. “I can see it now. Mano can summon some sharks to follow and make sure she stays in the boat.”