Page 8 of Watering Stone
“Yeah, well, you were gone with no word, and some asshole marked her right before he left. She said she regretted the jump the moment she let go of the railing, but she can breathe water, so nothing happened. She just sat at the bottom of the river and screamed. That is when Rickart scooped her out.”
Keoki stared. Henry blinked. “You marked her? You didn’t say that.”
Keahi rubbed his head. “I didn’t.Hedid. He was in control more than I was those days.”
Ven nodded. “Your dragon.”
The four assembled alphas jolted. Keahi frowned. “How do you know?”
Ven snorted. “Rickart analyzed the power. He was ready to find a surrogate for her if she needed it, but you two weren’t intimate. So, the burns faded, and the scar is all that’s left.”
One of the other alphas cleared his throat. “So, we can pursue her?”
Reynaldo laughed. Syar rubbed his temples. Henry was stunned. “Why would you want her? She’s a beta.”
Ven grinned. “Seriously, Henry, I am thinking about giving you a facelift, starting at your knees.”
Keoki grabbed his omega and covered his mouth. “He is an idiot. His family instilled into him that omegas are the ultimate prize for an alpha. He has mistaken many of the newly enhanced betas for omegas, and it makes him angry that he wasfooled.”
Ven grunted. “Henry, we don’t give a fuck. We don’t want alphas following us around, and we could do without the physical modifications. In my case, the claws are nice, but the eyes freak people out. However, it is the alphas themselves that kick off these changes; the betas don’t even get a vote. Face it, Henry, you just wanted both twins to yourself. The sooner you admit it, the sooner you can come to peace with the fact that Keahi hasn’t looked at you once since you sat down.”
The two quiet alphas chuckled. Mano asked, “But we can pursue Eliana?”
Syar shrugged. “Why not? Just respect it when she tells you to fuck off.”
Mano nodded with a slow smile.
Nalu smiled slowly. “Good.”
Keahi looked at them and growled. “Don’t even think about it.”
Mano returned the stare. “You abandoned her.”
Nalu nodded. “That means she is fair to pursue or court.” He smiled slyly. “And as she is water powered, we have an advantage. She will be in our element.”
Keahi growled, and his beast started flickering out.
Syar said, “Take it outside, and you will pay for any property damage.”
Mano and Nalu smiled. Nalu said, “We don’t need to fight. We aren’t the ones who discarded a jewel.”
Henry asked, “You really want her? Why?”
Mano said, “She smells like the open ocean with a lot of heat under the surface.”
Nalu nodded. “She is like a storm at sea. Wet and hot.”
Keahi growled.
Syar pointed toward the door. “Out.”
Keahi stalked out, and there was a weird pressure wave in the air. The lava dragon was going to cool off.
Ven wished she could have warned Elly about Keahi, but she didn’t have things confirmed until they were all in front of her. She sighed. She would tell Elly in the morning about why he had to leave.
She worked her way to the edge of the couch, and Reynaldo snorted. “Come on, kitten.”
She grunted as he got her to her feet and then picked her up. The two water alphas were talking strategy, and Henry was sniffling next to his alpha. Keahi was looking lost.